One last day in the city

I promised the night time shots of Manhattan, seen from Williamsburg on Monday night.
As always, the best pictures are in my head, but these will do for now.
Jordi will need to remind me exactly which three bridges are in this photograph. I know the one in the foreground is Williamsburg Bridge, but the other two? (See her comment below for the answer!)
Before wandering down to the waterfront with our friends (of both the human and canine variety) we’d enjoyed a feast at Fette Sau. It doesn’t look a very prepossessing place, does it? But outside appearances don’t give any clue to the great food, the interesting set up inside or, for that matter, the great company we had! Not a good place for vegetarians, though!
Our flight home wasn’t till late evening, so we made the most of another beautiful day and headed downtown to Madison Square and took yet more photos of the Flatiron. As if I could walk past without taking another one…and another! I’m not sure about the bird artwork there in the front – made entirely from nails, it was causing quite some interest when we were there for sure.
I was on a mission to visit Eileen, having seen a jacket I liked in the Times Warner Centre but which wasn’t in my size. Thoughtful staff called the 5th Avenue store and set one aside for me so we were there at opening time to give it a try. I guess the outcome is clear from the photograph!
This was to be a day of accomplishing several missions, the next one being the HBO shop to buy a T shirt for our Game of Thrones fan. “My Mind is my Weapon” seemed a pertinent logo to choose.
Across the avenue to Kinokuniya, in search of a particular pen, I had to stop and peruse the craft books where this interesting scarf/shawl/cowl caught my eye. Nice!
One last mission – seam binding (don’t ask!) Following the advice of a customer in the first shop I called in, we headed for Pacific Trimming. Oh. My. Goodness.
Do you need a zip? Look no further!
Of course, there’s always the other wall too…
I got my seam binding, no problem. Super cheap, too. Yes, you’ll see it here on my blog in due course, I’m sure.
So, all missions accomplished, we had a couple of hours to have some fun. First, the bus to the Guggenheim, because we’d heard about an exhibition of Japanese art from Aaron last night.
Actually, the art didn’t do a great deal for us (and to be fair, thinking back, Aaron didn’t actually say that it had done a great deal for him, either!) but the building itself is a star and these plastic bags of liquid suspended in the atrium were quite fun.
Though my hero didn’t think the yellow liquid worked as well as the others. I have no idea why ;-)
Our very last stop was Grand Central Station, where there was a small exhibition in the Transit Museum.
Unclaimed items of lost property had been collected and documented over the years and displayed here in an altogether charming and sweetly nostalgic way.
“Baby arrived just in time to support Roosevelt” announces the telegram addressed to Grandfather and Grandmother Byrne.
I am always fascinated by the platform entrances here, so different from a British station and so enclosed, it’s possible to visit the station and never see an actual train!
The poster marking the Centennial Celebrations said it all.
The photograph I took as we walked back up the street to our hotel captured two all time favourites there in one shot.
Very grand, indeed.
We collected our bags from the hotel and headed off to the airport. What a great weekend we had!

Reader Comments (1)
Bridges 101::: Furthest away is the Brooklyn which hits Manhattan on Chambers and Center Street down near Park Row , then the Manhattan Bridge which was the last one of the 3 to be built and comes into Canal Street in Chinatown and the nearest in the picture is the Williamsburg Bridgewhich connects to Delancy Street on the Lower East Side. Joey rides across this to work and it takes him 15 minutes to get from Williamsburg to Soho. Pretty good! I keep pushing David McCullough's book The Great Bridge about the building of the Brooklyn Bridge. It is a great read and fascinating about New York, Tammany Hall and how separate Brooklyn and Manhattan were before the bridges were built. Here endeth the history lesson for the day <VBG>