Gadget Girl

I believe passionately in making technology work for me. I enjoy making use of anything which will make my life easier and more fun. I am always especially delighted to find something which will enable me to do something I couldn’t do before or had never even thought of doing. As a result, one of my favourite classes to teach is one I call “Gadget Girl”.
Oh, the other reason is, that instead of packing my car with all of this
instead, I can just take this
I take great pleasure in revealing the contents of this small 8” x 6” bag and removing nine of the ten wonderful technological marvels that bring me a great deal of pleasure (and allow me to share it with you, too!) The tenth item – my ipad – doesn’t quite squeeze down that small and will have to travel independently.
I’ve spent the day getting it all together, printing handouts and getting the paperwork together ready to spend a fun day with the Gadget Girls of Lechlade WI tomorrow, snow permitting! We’ve cancelled once because of the weather and I think they are as determined as I am not to be beaten once again. By the end of the day, they’ll not only have lots of ideas of way to make use of all of this kit, but may well discover they own much of it already and might even carry it around in their pocket without realising.
Oh, and just in case, I have a bag with the chargers and the cables ;-)

Reader Comments (3)
Couldn't help smiling at the "huge" bag of cables and chargers. As the gadgets get smaller and smaller the chargers gets bigger and bigger or is that just an optic illusion?
hope you get there this time.
I have a small netbook and because the pad is so sensitive I prefer to use a mini mouse.
The power cable is so big and long and so is the printer cable which when all plugged in means I also have to use a USB hub for a memory stick!
At least they are all portable even if the size and weight gives me extra muscles.
Small bag for the kit, larger bag for the wires & chargers, new car for the IT consultant who has to follow along. Here in France with no WI Fun Day to get us going, we have to go on line at home to get the bog standard mobile phone working with a new sim card - let alone photos and emails.
Our Archos is being temper-temper-mental as well so it's tough here in the 21st Century.
Lucky Lechlade Ladies.