Getting a jingle on

Well, here we are. It’s December and the “Christmas” button has been pressed. No need to pussyfoot around the word any more because the advent calendar has been started, the first Christmas lunch of the season is tomorrow and there’s a carol concert the day after. Yesterday morning, I cracked open the Christmas box in my studio and gathered the things together to make the first page in this year’s December Journal.
I also made three dozen mince pies for my Hero’s choir rehearsal. The concerts are on Friday and Saturday, so it’s all go this week.
The Advent Calendar looks a little forlorn with the single bauble hanging there. Well, there’s another one this morning, of course, and it will fill up steadily as the days pass. I liked the look of the Silhouette Advent Calendar kit from a couple of years ago and bought the materials to make my own version last year, but never got round to it. My hero has tripped over this frame so many times during the year, I really did have to do something with it this time round! I cut the shapes out using my Silhouette and found a little set of pegs in John Lewis last Saturday to clip the shapes on the wires.
I might have to devise a better way to clip them though, maybe adding a short string or a wire.
I’m gradually getting a few seasonal things out of the box, including this little Advent book of memories. The German moose I found in Munich last year has also come out to play. Cute, isn’t he? The pictures reminds me that I need to make our door wreath today.
Lastly, the appearance of Arne and Carlos in this month’s WI Life magazine reminded me of this and of course, I had to get my knitting needles out! Well, I can’t knit and eat lebkuchen, which can only be a Good Thing.
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