How many days?

I hadn’t really given it much thought, but knew that the time was flying by. All my good intentions to savour the jollity during the first part of December have been hard to maintain, but spending the evening with our small friends last night, it was hard to ignore.
Just over a week. Hmmm.
Actually, we have been having a great deal of fun and there have been plenty of chances to enjoy the season. We spent Thursday in London, meeting friends for lunch and the theatre and loved seeing the beautifully decorated shop windows as we walked.
The snowglobe at Piccadilly is a clever way to protect the statue during the holidays don’t you think?
After the theatre, as night fell, the lights in Leicester Square were looking really pretty, reminiscent of mistletoe in the trees.
But by the time we reached Regent Street, we were beginning to tire of the crowds, the noise levels and the need for constant vigilance to keep our belongings safe. I love to spend time in the city, especially at this time of the year, but oh my, the people!
So we took refuge and found a peaceful eyrie high up in John Lewis in Oxford Street, from where we could sit and enjoy a drink and a fine view of the goings on around us. Carol singers on one of the lower floors provided a seasonal soundtrack whilst we gathered up our energy for the last push home.
A last snap of Christmas lights in New Bond Street, on the way back to the car park and we were done. On the way home, we reviewed our Christmas preparations and agreed that we didn’t really need to brave the crowds any more this year and could manage with local shops from now on.
Which is exactly what we did this morning. The Salvation Army band in Cirencester Market Place were playing beautifully (a pity they were standing around that ugly green box, but never mind). Fortified with one of Bob’s marvellous breakfasts, we did what we had to do and enjoyed pottering about the town.
I know, it’s not Fortnums or Harrods, but look at the Moomin Nativity in Octavia’s bookshop window! So cute – I love it!
I love the Moomin angel best of all!
Then, on the way home, I managed to sneak a snap of this fine fellow who has appeared recently in a nearby field. Carved from the remains of a tree trunk, he stands proudly above the busy road gazing over the valley to the hills. At the start of December, he acquired a garland of evergreens and a string of Christmas baubles in each hand.
Isn’t he great?

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