The things we do

when we can’t get into the kitchen, that is.
I do realise that when she sees this picture, Jordi might never speak to me again, so I’ll simply have to beg her forgiveness for posting it just for my own reference. I know that next year, I won’t quite believe that I did it, but for now, I’ll simply say no more.

Reader Comments (4)
Making a new journal?
Christmas cards, Dorothy ;-)
Ah... now I see. :-)
GRRRRRRRR It is just barely November!!!! I am generally lucky if I get mine MAILED by January 15th. I frequently send 3 Kings Day Cards... and you are what... DONE????? I will hire a contract on you. It is beyond belief!!!
and I said all that without using the letter after O in the al_habet that still doesn't work on my keyboard!!!