Sunday morning

I hesitate to say “with a morning to myself”
Anyway, avoiding all thoughts of things that I didn’t want to do and channelling all energy into things I quite fancied doing, I cranked up the Silhouettte machine and thought I’d give this a try. I’d bought the cut file from the Silhouette store for 65p (major purchase) and having just emptied a tin of our favourite cinnamon sweets, the tin was there, begging to be tarted up.
In just over an hour, I’d used some sheets from a 12” paper pad I’d bought from a Michaels sale ages ago, which I keep for test cuts and trial projects to create a pretty nice transformation of an otherwise dull and commonplace tin.
OK, so the craft judges reading this might wince at the sight of excess glue (!) and I might cringe at my haste in neglecting to sand off the paint around the edges before diving in. But really, truly, for an hour’s work and pretty much minimum effort (that was all done by the designer of the cut file), I think it’s rather good as a prototype.
Next time, of course, I’ll take more care!
Actually, the making was fuelled by these date and rum bonbons which we’d tasted at the cookery demonstration I talked about in my last post. With the Ghurka chef running late, the Cookery School manager put on an impromptu demonstration for us, relying on his repertoire of recipes from storecupboard ingredients. For a quick and easy make, these are really good and having bought some more dates yesterday morning, I had to give them a try.
Oh, and just eleven or twelve months after buying the ingredients for this, I finally got around to putting the eye hooks around the frame and threading the wires. My Hero will be delighted about that, because I’ve lost count of the times he’s tripped over the picture frame leaning up against my desk in our studio! Not bad for a £4.99 picture frame, a couple of yards of hanging wire and a pack of eye hooks, is it? I had the metal hanging pegs in my stash already and, remarkably, was able to find them when I needed them. That must be a first.
So, I think I’ll put my feet up this afternoon and read the paper!
Reader Comments (3)
Busy Little bee aren't you? :-)
I like that.
Good to have a reminder of files I have hanging around ... waiting.... :-)
Dorothy, I find those Silhouette cut files good for a quick "fill in" thing to do when I have the odd half hour to spare. Having cut them once, I see their potential for other uses and it fixes the idea in my brain. If I don't try them out, they lurk in the file folder forever, unused! I use paper I'm not too precious about and try not to think it out so much beforehand - just go with the flow and see what happens!
Can you PLEASE move in next door to me, so I can siphon off some of the DO IT that you have? I am so glad that whatever was on the top of the tin that set you off did not follow you to your tin. It looks like a bad toupee! Yours is much more attractive! Glue is always just a passing problem.