I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Happy New Year!

Celebrating 2013 and someone's 28th birthday with a little jaunt. The big mystery is, how can he be 28 when I am only 34?

(In my dreams)

Reader Comments (4)

Happy New Year to all and an added Happy Birthday to your little boy. It is at times like that I do a little math and say 2+8= 10 which fits in perfectly with your 34!
Have a fun time together.

January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne

It's no surprise that you're the 34-year old mother of a 28-year-old. I'm the 45-year-old mother of a forty-three-year old.

January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMary

Same here Gill! Although when I did an accounting course, my lecturer did say I was very creative with figures, could be why I ended up being a vis arts teacher :)

January 3, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTracy mcnicoll

How can you be 34 when I am 19?
Have fun! :-)

January 4, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDorothy

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