I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Ready to roll?


I know, you were having such fun reading that silly Google Translate page about the Eisernersteg, weren’t you? 

“Before the Iron Bridge was built, there were in the former magistrate under Mayor Daniel Henry guts of black stone numerous submissions and discussions on the part of the people who complained that currently the only bridge was not enough communication with the southern parts of the city and the surrounding area to . Never and never to improve, it said, could the old bridge the increasing cab rides to the train stations to cope with the loads of stone, and especially the increased loads of beer. But the magistrate was stubbornly whether the cost of this project.”

Of course, you could always read it in German ;-)  But you got the gist of it, I think?




Anyway, let’s go around the corner, past the end of the former "Rapulzelgaesschen” towards the Dom (cathedral), which isn’t really a Dom at all, it seems.




These old buildings are so lovely and very evocative.  We love the small turrets, the little oriel windows and the little attic windows in the roof.  It’s easy to get a crick in the neck from looking up there, isn’t it?




I’m not so sure about much of the graffiti in this part of town, though this quirky little group on a building screen near the U-bahn is fun, don’t you think?







Come on, rather than hang about we’ll go right inside…oh, wow.




It’s so light and airy in here and the modern stained glass windows are so attractive.  Shall we stop a while and read how it was rebuilt in the 1950’s, whilst at the same time admiring one or two of the memorials around the walls?




I think this chap has a rather fine swan-shaped helmet, but have no idea who he is.  He turns out to be Rudolf von Sachsenhausen – all credit to Google Images!




As we leave, I thought I’d point out that the Three Kings have visited and left their chalk mark on the door.  Did you know about that tradition in German speaking countries?




Back into the main shopping street then, and look who’s here on the street corner!  He’ll think we’re stalking him, won’t he?




Now, I can’t pass by this particular lebkuchen shop without stepping inside and spending a little money on some yummy Elisen to bring home.  How kind of the assistant to let us try a sample or two too!




I think we can manage without a “Bananen Blitzschneider” from the shop next door, though, don’t you?  However, another shop is calling me from across the street…




I’ve seen some interesting products from Faber-Castell recently.  I wonder if they have them in stock?




Sadly, though the gentleman is remarkably helpful, the products don’t appear to be available outside the USA.  He is keen to show me the contents of this chest, however; the grand prize in a recent Facebook draw, won by a woman in Brazil, he says.  Apparently, someone bought three of these chests last week – it wasn’t you, was it, Dorothy?




Accompanied by some very jolly xylophone tunes played by two young men outside Peek and Cloppenburg (lovely name, isn’t it?), we’ll stagger the last few metres along the Zeil to Konstablerwache, where we began our stroll this morning.  My hero is talking about his aching back and I’m rather ready for a cup of tea as well.

Let’s leave the afternoon shoppers to it, shall we?

Reader Comments (2)

Beautiful post Gill. Glad you put the link to the lebkuchen shop, I'm going to try and get a Xmas pack sent over this year. My husband grew up with parcels sent from his German relatives and although I have tried making it, it's just not the same.

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy mcnicoll

Hi Gill,
No it wasn't me.... wish it was though! :-)
I think I may just have as many crayons of various sorts though. Grin
Looks like you had a wonderful trip.Glad you took us with you.

June 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDorothy

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