I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"
I'm certainly not there yet. There is quite some way to go!
Reader Comments (3)
You're getting better and better. Most impressive, despite the remaining tail, a minor matter.
I admire your perseverance! I had a go this afternoon and very soon realised that the paper you are using is too thick and not slippery enough! After a small snip I could get away with it on the two I tried but the one you are attempting I won't even go near. I am going to get the Christmas stuff down from the loft this week-end so I can make our "Adventskrans" and I will see if there's any "glanspapir" left. If there is I will mail it to you. It is so unfair that I have made you struggle so hard not realising how difficult the paper is to weave. I am so sorry!
I have tried this evening to troubleshoot why they are so tight. I have never tried cutting heart baskets this way before and I suppose the fact that they are cut out "flat" gives no room for the fold first of all (when cutting by hand I fold the paper first then cello-tape the design which originally was only half the basket to the oversized paper and then cut on the lines with a scalpel), secondly I have just opened the files and I am wondering if the fact that I "thinned" the lines from 2.2 px to 1 px is making a difference when they are machine cut. I did check before sending them off that the print-outs I did fitted on the A4 paper and that they were the correct measurements as far as one can tell with a ruler and the not-wonderful-anymore eye sight but I know from experience that no 2 printers prints exactly the same so maybe a cutter has the same kind of "personality". There is obviously a lot more to this than just sharing the files and I am truly sorry that you have used so much time trying to get this to work when there is obviously something not quite right about the material I have sent you. A bit like a recipe with a missing ingredient! I feel really bad about this :'(
You are nearly there Gill. YOu are way ahead of me with the cards but I do have my (bought) pud! :-)