I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Thank you, friends, for the support following yesterday’s little hiatus.  Much appreciated and a timely reminder that it happens to us all at some point.  I’m feeling more positive this morning and less overwhelmed by things, but am trying not to overdo it and allow myself just a wee bit more breathing space for now.




So I sat at my desk and looked across to my sewing machine table and spotted a pile of unfinished “hotmats”, started shortly after our holidays when I came home with a packet of these in my suitcase.  I had begun the set of four thinking they’d be a quick and easy project, whipped up in minutes.




Of course, you know what happened then, don’t you?  That quick and easy project went smoothly for 75% of the way but when I hit a small problem and things didn’t go quite according to plan, I became a little disenchanted with the whole idea and gathered the stuff up and left it.  Actually, I did more than that – I cut out a mistake and tried to remedy it but was unsuccessful and left it at that stage.




But this morning was the perfect time to pick up those oh-so-very-nearly-finished things and just complete them.  I did all four in little more than an hour, applying the binding and then mindlessly handsewing the last bits.  They are not works of art, nor are they heirloom quality stitching, but they are done, and with such things, done is almost always better than perfect.  As I sewed them, I remembered what a lovely day we had at Zion National Park,  and the true function of a souvenir was put into practice.  Therapy in all ways – not only did I enjoy the distraction of remembering that lovely place, leaving behind all the baggage of yesterday, but I also had the satisfaction of finishing something and seeing an empty corner of my sewing table (not to mention a little stack of hotmats, too)

I now need to remember that feeling of satisfaction having finished a UFO.  There are several more lurking around here.

Reader Comments (1)

One of the many things that makes you so special is how little "down time" you require. I'd say this is a remarkable recovery. Well done. I couldn't spot any mistakes.

October 31, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary

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