I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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We seem to have a bumper crop this year.  There’s already a bowl of stewed apple in the fridge (to which my hero turns up his nose) and the trees are shedding their fruit faster than we can pick it up.




At times like this, I get choosy.  This morning I went out and picked another bowlful, rejecting any fruit which were less than perfect.  I knew that some friends were going to be glad to share them.




Then of course, there were a few plums dripping from the tree.  They’re nearly over, but there’s still a few more which will hopefully hang on till I’m ready.




It being the first of September, it’s also the first day of Shimelle’s Learn Something New class and there are decisions to be made.  Will I construct my book traditionally with glue and scissors or set myself the challenge of working digitally this year?  Shall I create a book of pages or use envelopes in which to tuck in any related bits and pieces?  Just as I was thinking I’d wait and see how it goes, I came across a whole bundle of nearly fifty envelopes I made from magazine pages some years ago and when I looked closely at the subject matter of the very first picture, my decision was made.




Not only that, but there’s a suitable envelope there for later in the month too, because travel is planned ;-)




So, with a set of very fitting images there, it looks like I’m set to make an envelope book, though I plan to work digitally to create whatever is going to go into them.  This year, I have company too because Dorothy and Mary are signed up too.  I think it’s going to be fun.

Reader Comments (2)

I thought I might join in too :) Not that I need something else to do - but how to fill the gap with DS back to school soon!

September 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterHelen Cowans

Hi Helen,
Yeah, go on do it! My friend Cath is also doing it.
I have just found a suitable (square) Pink Pig book in my stash so I'm going to use that I think.
Love the fruit pics Gill.... my garden has a distinct lack of fruit trees and nowhere really thta I can put any as it is mainly raised beds.

September 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDorothy

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