Walk with us in Stockholm

The day has dawned fine and there’s a bright blue sky. The waitress at breakfast said that it’s “quite warm” outside, but we suspect these things are relative. Might be a good idea to put on comfy shoes and a few layers of clothes.
Heading out of the hotel and through the Central Station, people are beginning to go about their business, though it’s already 9.30am.
It’s hard to see where we’re going though, because the sun is so bright. We didn’t think to bring our sunglasses with us. Did you?
Be careful crossing the road here – there are cycle tracks and bus lines as well as several ordinary roads crossing. We pedestrians are the forgotten ones in this city it seems.
We’ll cross over the Vasabron (Vasa Bridge) here, over towards the old town but admiring that matching pair of small houses in front of the Riddarhuset as we go.
It seems rotten to say how relieved we are to find a little shade – walking with that bright sun in the eyes is not easy!
Here’s the back of the Riksdagshuset – the Parliament building. We’ll walk past the other side later, perhaps.
We’re headed for the Old Town, the Gamla Stan, where we’re hoping there won’t be many people around yet. We came up here last night for dinner at Den Gyldene Freden and we’re looking forward to wandering around these little old streets again.
Hmmm…for sure, there are not many people about yet, but that’s because few places are open. But ooh, look, there’s Gudrun Sjoden with lights on, shall we take a look?
Ta dah! There’s even a large and very comfy armchair there for someone to sit in whilst someone else tries things on. I must say, the staff here are utterly charming and very attentive and I think it was half an hour well spent?
The lovely thing about the old town is that almost every little alley has a beautiful view. Please, remind me to keep looking up now and again, as well as in shop windows (oh, and where I’m walking too, because I don’t want to trip on these slightly slippy cobbles)
Across from Gudrun Sjoden is another shop beckoning to us. Shall we go in?
Happy Color is a delightful place and I think we can spend a few minutes pottering about. Not only is there an interesting selection of yarn, there’s also a few bits of jewellery, some funny softies and a great room out there at the back filled with comfortable furniture for a sociable knit and natter.
Outside things are revving up a little. I think we’d better make on up these rather touristy streets, though there’s still time to take a look at some of the souvenirs on sale. Many have a seasonal theme now – red and white are definitely the colours of the season.
This is a pretty display hanging from a birch branch in the window of Indiska, an interesting “lifestyle” store but I think I spotted a little market just down that little street. Shall we go explore?
Sure enough, there’s a small Christmas Market in the square outside the Nobel Museum and this stall is selling Reindeer meats I suspect. No place for that in our bags, so let’s move on, because there’s quite a crowd next door.
Aha! The Glogg stand – no wonder! They’re doing a brisk trade selling small cups of this delicious hot drink laced with raisins and almonds. Come on, we’ve earned a break, haven’t we?
Here we are. See you in a while…

Reader Comments (1)
My favourite city! We have stayed in the Old Town several times and my winter coat was bought there. It is usually too warm to wear here though. There was also a lovely glove shop in the same road.
Happy memories.