Later that day

3 Sudoku puzzles :: One gin and tonic :: lunch :: two glasses of Pouilly-Fume :: Midnight in Paris :: zzzzzz :: Two episodes of Desert Island Discs :: Water for Elephants :: zzzzzzzzz :: Five chapters of Travels with my Aunt :: tea :: return to seats and buckle up for landing and…
We’re here in Los Angeles.
Sadly, the sky isn’t quite as blue as it might be and that grey raincloud actually dispensed a few drops as we landed. But it’s warm and the forecast is good.
Our aptly named Chevy Malibu was there waiting for us in the parking lot and in no time at all we were heading out of the airport and on our way.
The magic of the lunchtime flight which leaves at noon and lands at 2.30pm, meaning that our Friday afternoon view is of palm trees, beach and the ocean.
(Unless we look immediately down into the parking lot beside the hotel, where there is a car dressed as a chicken. Hmm. Only in LA?)
Anyway, the hotel has upgraded us to a suite, we have showered and put on fresh, clean clothes and are off out to meet Mary and Diana for Margaritas and Mexican tonight.
Life is good!

Reader Comments (2)
I am sooooo looking forward to this trip! Off to Bath this pm to see Jacqueline Wilson - no palm trees but the forecast is predicting 80 degrees plus!
Did anyone ever tell you that you are spoilt Gill Thomas! I'm jealous.... but only a little bit as I HAVE been there toot! :-)
Have fun,