I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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walk? run?

Of course, having spent a day learning to weave in Laos, I am something of an expert already - not!  But it was enough to whet my appetite and on my birthday last October I was very lucky to receive an Ashford Knitters Loom.  A little different from the one in Luang Prabang but nevertheless, the principles are the same.



First task was to get it warped, which I knew from speaking to weavers, is a time consuming and potentially challenging process.  Armed with the instruction manual, I set 32 warp threads in navy blue linen I'd bought in Sweden. I'd faced the usual dilemma: As a beginner, should I use waste yarn from my stash which would be no loss if it ended up a mess, or good, purpose-selected yarn which I'd be thrilled to see made up?  Of course I went for the latter, following my own recommendations which I offer to beginners - use the best you have.



The instructions were clear and easy to follow but without the benefit of experience, I was unsure how crucial it was to keep everything tight and neat.  I kept it tight and neat just in case, therefore.



A couple of hours later, I began to weave.  I used the yarn bought in Tokyo - a silk linen mix with a lovely grey-blue-black random pattern on a cream base.  I immediately realised my first mistake: the reed is rather too coarse for the weight of yarn I'm using - never mind.  Let's call it a "design choice".  I tried really hard to keep up some kind of rhythm, trying to remember the economical movements taught to me by Miss Lin.  There, when I threw the shuttle through back to front, I  had a tap on the wrist and a stern face to remind me for next time.  Sitting here at home, I found it hard to work at any pace at all but stumbled through the first few rows one at a time.  Clearly, some practice is needed.



But, you know, I'm quite pleased with my first efforts and l-o-v-e the "pattern" which is appearing there in the weave.  At the moment, I'm undecided how tightly to beat the threads down; how open to leave the resultant fabric, but so early in the process it can easily be adjusted.



I suppose that, whatever I choose to do, it will be fine as long as it's consistent - which this clearly is not.  Yet.

I'll have that sorted tomorrow!

Reader Comments (3)

Looking good Gill :) The perfect project to be doing while you try and keep warm with all that snow. Has finally reached Cornwall much to my sister delight.

January 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterTracy McNicoll

Is this loom like a rigid heddle loom? My mother used to weave on a rigid heddle loom and she taught me when I was a teenager. You seem to be getting on very well; I like your colours very much. They are almost exactly the same as the ones you had capture with your camera the other day. I enjoy your photo-a-day blog very much. Thank you for sharing!

January 8, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarianne

You know Tracy, we'd have been happy to share some of our snow ;-) Yes, the weaving is fun!

Marianne, it's a rigid heddle loom and really very simple - but beautifully designed and made. I found a review on a website yesterday http://spinninglizzy.wordpress.com/2009/06/11/ashford-knitters-loom/ which reviews it very well.

I bought a book "Learning to Weave" but find it rather too advanced for my needs right now - have ordered a specific Rigid Heddle book and hope to learn more from that. Nothing like learning at your mother's side, though, is there?

Thank you both for your comments!

January 8, 2010 | Registered CommenterGill Thomas

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