Nice house, shame about the trophies

We've visited the holiday home - hunting lodge - of Kaiser Franz Josef today, where evidence of every succesful shot is on the wall somewhere - and in the small space left, there's probably a picture of Sissi.
The house itself, in Bad Ischl, is gorgeous and rather more than the label "hunting lodge" might suggest. I really loved the colours of the house - outside, the ochre, grey and bottle green and inside, a palette of rich but subtle colours - burnt orange and petrol blue, grey and malachite green, crimson and ochre. Yes, take away all those hunting souvenirs and I'd move in tomorrow!
No need to take away this figure in the garden, though. I rather like the colour and think the contrasting textures of the two dogs alongside their handsome master works well and I could live with it just as it is, thanks.
On, through the Salzkammergut to Salzburg then, where the sun was shining and the whole city inviting a closer look. We checked into our hotel and immediately went out to explore.
It seemed like everyone had moved on from Cesky Krumlov and joined us here. Oh dear.
We found one or two quieter corners, thank goodness, and not everywhere ooozed Mozart. Except on this corner, where I enjoyed hearing a performance of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik played on the glasses.
Classy, eh?

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