unpacking, so far

from top to bottom, left to right:
- warm, felted slippers from Linz
- little lace stars for my Christmas branch, from the Erzgebirge
- a small windmill from the same place
- a cookbook with tasty ideas to serve in "Verrines"and a dozen of the smallest glasses. Another cookbook with recipes for mini-madeleines - sadly, we ran out of time to find the baking tin
- a quarter yard remnant of embroidered "trachten" velvet and the matching silk lining to make a scarf, from the Salzburg Heimatwerk shop
- a few favourite pads and pochettes of art paper from Lille
- my friend's book ordered by and collected from a delightful independent bookshop in Salzburg
- delicious (and beautifully packaged) biscuits from Strasbourg
- three balls of Zauberwolle from a small woolshop in Linz whose name I failed to record
road trip,

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