More snowdrops

A beautiful day here today, blue sky and sunshine - perfect for driving up through the Cotswolds into Oxfordshire with the good company of a friend and plenty of interesting chatter.
The lady in question has the most amazing collection of snowdrops in her garden and when we got back she offered to show me one or two of the treasures, including "her own".
I love the way that, from a distance, a the clean white heads all bob in the breeze. But a closer look inside and all kinds of surprises await. I didn't realise that there are yellow snowdrops until today.
The perfect patterns formed by these tiny petals and the delicate variations in shade, shape, formation and texture of the leaves -every small feature noted and appreciated.
Everyone was introduced like a familiar old friend and I was delighted to meet each of them. I'll notice these little details when next I'm looking at snowdrops, for sure, but I'll need a pencil and paper if I am to have any chance of remembering all their names!
I think this is "South Hayes".
Though the snowdrops are undoubtedly my favourites, there were other little beauties looking lovely in the sunshine. I thought the patterns on these tiny iris quite incredible and the hellebores grow in such a remarkable range of soft colours that a bowl full of them won their place as my photo of the day.
Last but not least, another snow-white beauty which stopped bobbing in the breeze long enough for me to take a photograph.
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