I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Good days at home

A very work-related start to this week left all the fun till yesterday and today.  Not sure that I achieved much yesterday except for having a chance to tie up one or two work-related loose ends and spend a bit of time playing about with Photoshop.



I have always made a book about Christmas.  Recently, I've followed Shimelle's online prompts which are a real snip, because once you've paid up you get them every year at no additional cost!  This year I found another bargain - free - in the form of Jessica Sprague's Holidays in Hand online class, too.  So, I guess I've been thinking about how I'm going to do the 2009 journal a bit more than I might have been at this stage.



The last small journal project I completed was in September and I did the whole thing digitally, though I felt the need to print it all out when I finished.  Though I like the end result and learned heaps about Photoshop in the process I found that, for me, it's the hands on cutting and sticking which is the therapy.  Perhaps I spend too long sitting at the computer every day to find it relaxing any more?  Maybe it's the pernickety part of me that finds it quicker/easier to get things how I want them in real life than on a screen?



Anyway, I needed a set of numbers for the pages and being of the "I could do that myself" mind, I set to with a few ideas and totally underestimated the time it takes to sit and fiddle.  What a good job I'm not paying myself an hourly rate - I'm not quite half way through the 1 - 31 set needed yet!



I did a few more this morning but a friend came to call and we had to have tea.




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