Good days at home

A very work-related start to this week left all the fun till yesterday and today. Not sure that I achieved much yesterday except for having a chance to tie up one or two work-related loose ends and spend a bit of time playing about with Photoshop.
I have always made a book about Christmas. Recently, I've followed Shimelle's online prompts which are a real snip, because once you've paid up you get them every year at no additional cost! This year I found another bargain - free - in the form of Jessica Sprague's Holidays in Hand online class, too. So, I guess I've been thinking about how I'm going to do the 2009 journal a bit more than I might have been at this stage.
The last small journal project I completed was in September and I did the whole thing digitally, though I felt the need to print it all out when I finished. Though I like the end result and learned heaps about Photoshop in the process I found that, for me, it's the hands on cutting and sticking which is the therapy. Perhaps I spend too long sitting at the computer every day to find it relaxing any more? Maybe it's the pernickety part of me that finds it quicker/easier to get things how I want them in real life than on a screen?
Anyway, I needed a set of numbers for the pages and being of the "I could do that myself" mind, I set to with a few ideas and totally underestimated the time it takes to sit and fiddle. What a good job I'm not paying myself an hourly rate - I'm not quite half way through the 1 - 31 set needed yet!
I did a few more this morning but a friend came to call and we had to have tea.
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