I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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One of those weeks

Can't believe a week has flown by.  One of those weeks where almost every waking hour was accounted for and which results in a huge pile of laundry, piles of things all over the place and a general feeling of chaos.



On Monday, I was trying to work my way through a long list of fallout from last week, as well as planning and prepping a workshop I was doing for the new University of Gloucestershire WI on Tuesday night.  We had fun playing about with bits of silver glitter and stuff, making inchies

Though I took lots of photos (as usual) I wasn't too pleased with the results: my spare camera isn't as good as my "proper" (slightly broken) one.



See what I mean with this photograph, taken on Wednesday morning, on the way into Cheltenham?  I know it was a murky, fuzzy kind of day, but perhaps not quite this murky and fuzzy?!



On Thursday, we were in London, at a posh Park Lane hotel for an awards lunch.  We went up by train and left promptly to catch the 4 o'clock from Paddington, to make it in time for choir and WI (I was on kettle duty!)  But at nearly 7 o'clock we were still sitting on Swindon station awaiting the driver who was delayed due to a "bridge strike" in the Stroud area.  Hmmm.  Not good for the blood pressure, that!



But WI was fun and any remaining angst from rushing about soon dissolved in a flurry of sugarpaste and gossip!


Friday was 

  • busy - had to be in Newent for 9.45am
  • frustrating - at 10.30am I found I'd had a wasted journey
  • calm - that meant I had plenty of time to do the weekend shopping
  • mundane - well, there's only so much fun to be had in a supermarket!
  • surprising - something turned up at the office which demanded a visit
  • interesting - a challenge to chew over with colleagues
  • fun - it's always good to chat with friends
  • thought-provoking - hearing about the new developments in Gloucester
  • challenging - information to research and a paper to write
  • satisfying - to find so much useful information and complete the job
  • relaxing - an evening at home!



Today, I have been over on the other side of the River Severn for the third time this week.  Work took me over to a class near Chepstow on Tuesday morning and having taken much longer to get there than I thought, I set off in plenty of time today.  Of course, I got there with half an hour to spare!

I've had another fun day, judging exhibits in a show and admiring these cute characters - dress a bear as a pantomime character.  The wild weather made for a perilous journey home across the Severn Bridge and at times I rather wished I'd taken the long way round.  But, home safe and sound and ready for a quiet day tomorrow catching up.


No doubt the fun will start again on Monday!




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