I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Heaven knows how anything serious would get done if I lived closer to my like-minded friends.  I spent yesterday chez Sue and in between all the chatter, Ravelry reading, show'n'tell and general enabling, I managed to finally put the final stitches into the crochet scarf I began at summer school.



I'm rather pleased to finish this since I was beginning to get a little bored with the pattern, now I've got the hang of it.  Isn't it always the same - as soon as the challenging becomes doable, it gets boring! 

I'm still a little confused as to my choice of colour for it, but am generally quite pleased with the finished scarf.  Might make it again at some point - not now, though.  I have other plans.  Added to which, the Forest Canopy shawl is nearing completion and I am anticipating a sprint to the finish!



During the last hour or so of the afternoon, Sue reminded me why I'd enlisted her support - I've had an Amy Butler bag pattern for ages and just couldn't get myself psyched up enough to start the thing.  I took along two lengths of cheap, flashy fabric bought years ago in Thailand - green for me, blue for Sue - and we cut out a bag each.  Quite how long mine will remain in the ziplock bag without my friend and enabler, who knows?  We will see!



Finally, how yummy is this?  I couldn't leave that skein of Misti Alpaca there any longer and simply had to wind it.  It's #11, FoxTail but in the best hand dye tradition, is somewhat different from the sample shown on the MistiAlpaca website.  I don't anticipate it will become anything just yet - I'm just going to enjoy it for a while!


For the first time in years, I'm giving the Knitting and Stitching show a miss today and looking forward to hearing all about it from friends instead.



Reader Comments (3)

That Misti Alpaca is totally yummy (somehow in my head Lloyd Grossman is saying that!!)
Girlfriends are essential, but it is rare and wonderful to find a like-minded chum - Sue sounds like a keeper!!

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGeorgina

Well done on the scarf front Gill. I finally inished mine too.,

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersal

Well done on the scarf front Gill. I finally finished mine too.,

October 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersal

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