good to be home

We're even (more or less) awake.
We left Japan feeling exactly how we've felt on earlier visits - we need to return.
The Japanese way of doing things hits the spot with us every time, it seems.
At the airport, there's a huge origami exhibit and any spare time before a flight can be used to take an origami lesson with an expert. Sadly, I found this out only minutes before boarding, but next time.... For after all, what better way to spend time cooped up on a plane but folding paper?
Yes, I quickly chose a kit to fold some cherry blossoms and envisaged folding a whole tree load in the next 12 hours.
As we left Narita and flew above the clouds, Fuji-san was there peeking through. Magical. I scrambled around trying to find the window with the best view and fewest reflections, more or less succeeding before we had left Japan behind and were over the sea, making our way over Kamchatca.
The rest of the flight was comfortable and, thankfully, uneventful. I watched Duplicity, a film I'd never have chosen unless, as yesterday, there was little choice and I wasn't 100% awake. I found it reasonably entertaining, though the size of Julia Roberts' lips is a bit of a distraction when the screen is mere inches from one's nose!
Did I fold paper? Of course not. I ate, slept, watched one film and then muttered my way through this months book group title which was a waste of anyone's time, in all senses!
Now we are home, there are one or two things to put away.
Not only that, but because we left on my birthday, there's a pile of new books and other stuff to amuse and entertain as well.
I am a lucky girl.

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