I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Cute, odd or just plain weird?


The Fire service were having an open day in the park between the museum and the station and a lovely time was being had by all.




Seems like the things we'd just seen in the museum had stayed on my mind, for these young men trying on firefighter's suits look just like Samurai to me.



Not only that, but the love of cute is also getting to us.  I mean, did you ever see such a sweet little fire engine before?!

Time to move on...



 ....to Harujuku, where on a Sunday afternoon, youngsters get dressed up and stand around on the edge of the park, being seen and being photographed.  Oh my, were there some sights!



Goths, little waitresses, manga-style with six inch platform shoes...the lot.  All perfectly good humoured, attracting the attention of as many as they could, this was a part of the culture which we just didn't get, even if we did enjoy the spectacle!



A tour of the Daiso 100Yen store for a few curiosities and then back to Shinjuku for dinner - Yakatori this time, sitting at a bar unable to understand a word but somehow managing to satisfy our hunger and our aim of eating only Japanese on this trip.

Oh, and another strange Kitkat flavour to report. Mark didn't believe I could identify both carrot and apple on the package illustration, but yes, we've bought a veggie Kitkat


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