I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









« In an Oxfordshire village | Main | Tuesday »

Comfort foods

We've been to Hull and back since my last post - just a flying visit because we realise that it's something we've been putting off for too long. Sorting Mummy's house out is not a comfortable thought for either of us and though we've had time to do it, we have found excuses and have prevaricated too long. Anyway, it had to be done and to be truthful, it wasn't as bad as I feared. Upsetting at times, of course, but actually, it's so long since she lived there (9 months since her stroke) that there is little of "her" still in the house. Though the garden was looking a little bedgraggled from all the wind and rain, Daddy's clematis was blooming lovely!

There was one nasty shock in the form of a summons for us both on the doormat. Though we had paid the Council Tax bill to the end of the financial year in April, the East Riding bureaucrats had changed the name on the account and been informed of our address, they had changed one but not the other. So, there was the bill, a reminder and a summons all there waiting for us. Fortunately, Mark had the most efficient and charming lady clerk to deal with when he went in on the dot of 9 this morning to sort it out, and sorted out it was, in no time at all, apologies all round.

We needed comfort. He brought that home with him in the form of a Yorkshire Curd Cheesecake from the bakers in Cottingham. yum!! We have been known to devour a whole one of these in one sitting, most recently at a service station on the M1, but this time, we restrained ourselves to a delicate slice at lunchtime and brought the rest home with us.

Well, we had just had haddock and chips for lunch and in Hull, the fish are far from small! (Plates above are dinner plates, believe me - and that's just one portion of chips shared between the two of us!)

Reader Comments (2)

What a nasty shock for you both.
That Yorkshire Curd Cheesecake looks wonderful. When I'm feeling a bit better, I'm going to have to have a go at making a gluten free one - mmmmmm!

May 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSue

Good on the council for getting the bill sorted out efficiently. I've never had Yorkshire Curd Cheesecake, but those fish and chips are making me very hungry.

May 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandella

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