I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Out and about

Well, I know that some were dying to know about last night - so here is an unusual photograph of the Nippy. I say unusual because of course, one of the benefits of taking photographs is that one is seldom seen...

But, thanks to Marion, who took this one, you can glimpse yours truly in all her glory. As for the nails - well, that manicure was too expensive to dismiss for one evening, so this was one Nippy who got her wrists slapped!

It was a fun party and in true 1930s style, following the example set at one of their earlier parties, each guest was given a piece of cake and a potato to take home. The potato came in a paper bag, complete with black plastic sack and instructions of what to do next. Great idea...and since I've never, ever grown a potato before, something fun to do.

Today, we were in Bath for a while. We enjoyed browsing shops but most of all, being in one of our favourite cities, probably for the last time before the tourists all go home again. It's not a place to go in Summer due to the large groups of youngsters there on language courses and the like. Today they were very much in evidence but not overwhelming, thank goodness.

We ate our delicious picnic lunch sitting on the lawn with a fine view, even if we were on the wrong side of the haha.

But it wasn't really quite so deserted, for just behind us, on parle Francais.

This afternoon we made our way to Tyntesfield. Our first visit - though we've been meaning to go for ages.

As I saw this little place in the grounds, I thought it would feature well in one of those TV property programmes - anyone fancy it?

Oh, and on the way to Tyntesfield, we stopped at Get Knitted for me to buy some cotton yarn. I found a book in Bath and though I can't really crochet, I have intentions of making several projects from it.

Well, you know what I'm like from my profile!

Reader Comments (1)

Fancy going to Tyntesfield and not popping in for a cup of tea?! Glad you enjoyed your day, though.

May 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSue

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