I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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A day at sea, pt 1 - before lunch

We've had five sea days and have built up a little routine for ourselves. In spite of some late nights, we wake early and enjoy the quiet mornings outside before it gets too hot and everyone else is up and about.

First thing, choose a couple of sun loungers for ourselves - there are plenty, but in this heat, we prefer to sit in the shade, so are particularly choosy about where we sit. Bearing in mind my fear of being bored, I take along needlepoint, knitting, book, ipod...the lot!

Next, bearing in mind the delicious food we are being offered at every turn, it's up onto the top deck for seven laps of brisk walking - a pleasure in the cool breeze and time to chat and mull over thoughts about the day ahead.

At this time of day, there are few of us up there.

But soon, breakfast calls. I'm trying to keep to healthy options, unlike others...but the blueberry pancakes are very good indeed (and I haven't put syrup on, yet!)

At 9.30, the needlepointers get together to sit and stitch - and share gossip of course.

I'm working on a small project which I chose from a selection on offer here - a case for my sunglasses. Mindless stitching but fun and a chance to meet other likeminded people.

Whilst we are enjoying a relaxing morning, our little housekeeping fairy, Farida, is busy in our room.

Getting towards lunchtime, as the temperature rises, the pool is inviting and a short dip is very refreshing.

Then, as if by magic, two Singapore Slings appear...oh my goodness, is the sun really over the yardarm already?

Reader Comments (2)

Your morning sounds wonderfully relaxing. I am unspeakably jealous.

April 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandella

I'm having a lovely trip with you Gill. Thanks for taking me along.

April 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMargaretR

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