I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Another day, another yarn store

Today we had a mooch around the Berkshires, and, thanks to the landlady of the inn where we stayed last night, we found another amazing yarn store. This one goes by the name of Colorful Stitches and is in Lenox MA. What a wonderful selection of yarns were there to tempt me - though on closer inspection, many were Colinette, some were Rowan and others Debbie Bliss. Good to see the home team well represented! The skein which really wanted to come home with me is in the photograph - top left hand corner - a yummy melange of twinkle, eyelash, fuzzy and plain. But at $96 a skein (and I'm pretty sure I got that right) I really felt I could manage without.

We didn't only shop for yarn today. We also visited the Norman Rockwell house - terrific place - and Edith Wharton's home, The Mount which was also fascinating. My list of books to read when I get back gets longer, with the addition of The Age of Innocence. We also did a drive-by of the gingerbread house - errrmmmm, "quaint"? - and arrived at the Hancock Shaker Village twenty five minutes before closing. Drat. We will have to try to get to Canterbury later in the week.

So, we've had a busy day. Wherever we've been, people have commented about the security alert back home and the news channels here are, quite understandably, full of it. We have been pleased to be able to access the online BBC News website for a more familiar, authorative take on the situation. Let's hope the situation calms before we set off home in a week's time. Posted by Picasa

Reader Comments (1)

$96 a skein!!! Did it have a 24 carat center???
I am so glad that Edith Wharton's home was interesting. Ethan Frome is one of my favourite books and she ranks second only to Eudora Welty as a favourite author!

August 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterCherry Rolfe

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