I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!









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Did it!

Such a collection of ingredients can mean only one thing in this house - it's Christmas baking time. When I was teaching, the Autumn Half Term was the week to get such things under way and I still try to aim for that - though sometimes, like this year, those plans go a little awry.

I use the good old Delia recipes for both. I have my Nan's traditional recipe, but somehow, Delia's works better for me. Her Christmas Pudding recipe is so easy to do - not much more than assembling ingredients and leaving them to soak overnight, that I can't really bring myself to buy one. By making double the recipe, it means I have a couple of standby presents for an unexpected visitor or two as well (never known anyone to be less than thrilled by a
homemade pudding!)

We each had a stir and a wish, of course.

The right tea towel had to be found to cover the bowl overnight, too.

Next, the weighing of the fruit for the cakes. Again, I make double the recipe, which is perfect for our large hexagon tin and a small hexagon for Mummy. I got help to snip the cherries.

I think there might just be more than six tablespoons of brandy in there, too, but the Christmas cake is not a recipe for short measures.

Two covered bowls of goodness, awaiting further action. A busy day tomorrow means that they might sit for a couple of days - but all the better to soak up those flavours!

Reader Comments (5)

glad to see the special covering teatowel has moose on it!!! It must be Swedish - of course !

November 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterZaz

Ha! We call her St Delia in our house! (as in 'according to St Delia, you have to......') I've made her puddings and cakes too!

November 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLiz

Liz's comments made me laugh. In my house she's "The Blessed St Delia". One year I was in the Off Licence with Gold Label, Rum, Stout and other goodies in my basket and the chap in the queue in front of me had exactly the same. Cheeky I know, but I asked him if they were for Delia's Christmas Goodies. Right every time!

November 7, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterMandella

I'm a great fan of Delia too. I was given my first Delia cookery book by my mother-in-law, who was a great cook. I have most of her books now and bought her Meals for One for my Dad after my Mum died. Delia is so easy to follow.
Although I do use a lot of Delia's Christmas recipes too, I have to admit that I also use a slim book from Sainsbury's by Josceline Dimbleby - especially for the mincemeat recipe.
BTW - I do read your blog for other than the cookery posts:-)

November 8, 2006 | Unregistered Commenterruth

The urge has been to visit me too! So now I am knitting like a crazed woman! I love it! And Delia too.

November 11, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTusa

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