I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Goodbye, Ananda

We were packed and ready to leave as scheduled and though it was certainly lovely to see Sanda’s smiling face appear as we were having breakfast, it was sad to say goodbye to the friends we’ve shared the fun with over the last few days. 




Sad too to say goodbye to our comfortable room on Ananda, with the balcony where we’ve seen so much life going on as we passed by.




It’s a fantastic experience and one which we can wholeheartedly recommend.  There really has never been a dull moment and the additional small surprises just kept on coming!




But all good things come to an end and over breakfast we said a few goodbyes to people who were going straight home, some who were spending a night in Bangkok and others who we might bump into along the way.

What a great time we’ve had.  Bring on the next chapter!


Spectacular surprises

We knew we had one last thing to see before we returned to Ananda and that Aung had been carefully managing our timings so that we would arrive at U Bein Bridge in good time for sunset.  This was the bridge we’d seen on TV last weekend as we were packing our bags and we were really looking forward to actually being there ourselves.  Having said that, our days have been so fun packed with such a rich variety of activities, we’d almost forgotten we still had the bridge to look forward to.




When we arrived, there was quite a melee in the car park and I tried my best not to look over to the bridge itself until I could get to a place where I had a decent view. 




Aung announced that the best views were to be had from the small boats and that five had been reserved especially for the nine of us.




They were the ones with the chairs and coffee tables!  Oh my.




So we climbed aboard and our oarsmen were immediately ready for the off.  They stood at the back and rowed forwards, if you can work out what I mean.




We sat back in comfort and considered our good fortune, following our friends out there into the lake.




We were all taking photos like mad, as the sun was going down and our boats were heading further into the middle.




Most of all, we were all trying to capture the whole length of the bridge, even though we knew it was a hopeless task.




It just goes on and on into the distance.




Maybe if we zoom in?  After all, there are great reflections in the still water.




Oh, and of course, we should take photos of each other to swap later.




Just as we were thinking we were in the plum spot, the one where we wished to stay and watch the sunset, we moved on a little further.




OK, we’ll get some closeups of those people who are walking on the bridge, as well as those serious photographers under it.




By now, dusk was falling quite rapidly and we simply hoped for a better sunset that the other night, especially since we had such a great spot here.




But our oarsman decided to follow Caroline and Marion’s in front, actually sailing through the legs of the bridge to the other side.  Surely, there wasn’t going to be a view of sunset at all from there?




Oh, well, ok, no sunset, but maybe a different view of the bridge itself.  We’ll let them off!




But when Caroline and Marion appeared to be passing something from another nearby boat, we began to worry.  We were a bit vulnerable here in the open, needing to trust our oarsmen implicitly to do as they’d been asked.  We spoke no Burmese, he spoke no English and Aung was nowhere to be seen.  We couldn’t ask him what he thought he was doing.




But all became clear when we got a little closer and spotted a familiar face – the staff from the Ananda were there with bottles of Tattinger and had opened a champagne bar right there in the lake!  Wow…….




What a marvellous surprise!  How typically thoughtful to do that. 





As we sat, champagne in hand, it was another one of those count your blessings moments and you won’t be surprised to hear that a tear rolled down my cheek at one point.




But that didn’t last long because some friends were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary and magically, the champagne bar came round with refills right on time!




As the sun went behind a cloud, we guessed that we’d seen the best.  Just like sunset over the Bagan temples, this one was going to fizzle.




Our oarsman decided to make a move before the others and we quietly slipped behind the row of champagne drinkers and those who simply wished they were and headed to the jetty once more.




There were still one or two photographs to take but really, that was that for tonight.




We bade U Bein Bridge farewell and set off on our merry way home to Ananda for dinner.




What a fantastic way to end our journey!


The Sagaing Hills



Our programme this afternoon was to take us out into the hills above Mandalay, where there are many pagodas and monasteries.  The nine of us in our minibus rattled around like peas in a bucket, though any time we felt sorry for ourselves, we only had to look ahead to feel better.




After all, there are always some less comfortable than oneself, don’t you find




This was a dry but leafy landscape with a bit of farming on each side of the road and the occasional village to drive through.




The toll plazas come surprisingly frequently here and there’s always a queue.




A little further on we make a brief stop for photos at this temple, the Kaung Mu Daw pagoda and Aung told us the story of its foundation.  Can you imagine where the idea for the design is said to be taken from?




Before we reached the hills, we made another brief stop at a silversmithing shop.  The smallest member of our group was pleased to hand round the surprisingly weighty piece of silver she’d been given to hold.




Items here are made using the lost wax process and the craftsmen finish the job by hand with some skilful techniques.




Some were working on larger pieces, maybe for purchase by a group or a village to donate to a temple.




The end result was lovely – just not to our taste.




I wondered too, how long before the silver would tarnish, and how often it would need (tricky?) cleaning?




Unsurprisingly the exit was through the gift shop, though like everywhere else we’ve been, there was no hard sell – no soft sell, even.




Up the hill we drove, along the narrowest and windiest of roads to the top where there was a temple with a viewpoint.  Mid afternoon by now, we were all pleased to enjoy a little cool air – the silversmith’s shop had hardly been the coolest of places – and the open viewing platform was a lovely place to stand and stare for quite a while.




Even though it was hazy, it was good to look over to see the monasteries around these hills, with their golden domes and intricately shaped pagodas.




Looking down a little further along, we could see over to the Ayerarwady and beyond.




All around us were glistening golden pagodas.  If only it had been clear.




Since we’d come so far, we did drop in to see the Buddha himself, but it was hot and sticky indoors and those views were a rather more tempting outlook.




So we stepped outside again for another look.




Aung pointed out the Kaung Mum Daw pagoda we’d seen earlier before suggesting that it was time to go.  He had an idea for somewhere else to stop by on the way.




At the bottom of the hill was a nunnery.  (I know, that sounds like the start of a story, doesn’t it!?)  These young girls had just begun their time as novices and were sitting in a shady corner learning the buddha’s teachings by rote, chanting together.  They smiled and waved, happy to be distracted from their learning, it seemed.




Aung suggested we take a look around, peer inside the buildings and maybe he’d see if he could find someone to talk to us in the meantime.  Look, here are some batteries being used in a balance, just like in the market.  I wonder what they weigh out in that bowl?




The balance was on the step of the nunnery kitchen, a dark and gloomy place in which to cook, I thought.




The room next door was worse still – this was the food preparation area.




In the meantime, Aung had found Mary, who told us she was 59 and had been in the nunnery since she was 17.  She was happy to talk and to answer any questions we may have about her life and Aung would translate for us.




There followed a fascinating fifteen minutes or so as we learned about the life of a nun here in the Sagaing Hills.  She told us how happy she is here – both her parents had died when she was young and she had little family left, just a few nephews and nieces, one of whom was here in the nunnery too.




Her days were full, with an early start at 3am to begin her prayers.  She cooked for much of the day, preparing food for the monks in the monastery opposite (that raised a smile from several of the group, I can tell you) and her hours were busy and productive.




Though she’s lived here most of her life, she’s free to leave whenever she wishes, but she doubts that she will.  The oldest Nun is 98 and there’s no reason why Mary wouldn’t live out her days here.  Whilst I find that quite thought rather sad, there was nothing at all sad about Mary, who bid us farewell and went back to her duties.




One of her young colleagues was holding a bowl to collect alms as we left.




As you can imagine, the conversation on the way home centred on the lives of monks and nuns here.  Most boys become monks for two short periods in their lives and some remain in the monastery permanently.  I seem to think it’s not quite so commonplace for nuns to do the same, but certainly we’ve seen some very little girls who have taken their place in a nunnery for who knows how long.  Hmm.




So Aung shared his experiences as a monk, telling us how he benefitted and why he chose to do it – and why he chose not to stay.  All fascinating stuff.




This deep and rather serious conversation was interrupted by the charming pair in the tollbooth, who waved and smiled “mingalabar” as we peered into their little office.

A little further up the road was one last call for the day and it happened to be somewhere right up my street.




The silk weaving workshop was at the back of a small storefront and inside were a dozen or so looms mostly being operated by a pair of young women.




What we were able to see here is the traditional Mandalay style of weaving, which we would classify as tapestry or pick up weaving.




Each young woman had her pattern pegged in front of her and two pegs to mark her place.




As many as two hundred small shuttles were in use at a time, each one creating the smallest part of the overall pattern.




The colours of the silk were gorgeous.




Many had just a touch of metallic glitz in the pattern too.  Beautiful.




I imagine it’s quite difficult for two pairs of hands to work on the same piece – after all, we all work to a particular tension and maybe work at a different pace to someone else.  But these women seemed to be getting along just find and looking closely, it was impossible to see the join!




Some were working on a different traditional pattern.




whilst others had gone for a rest.  This was such close and detailed work, I would think it needs a high level of concentration not to mention perfect eyesight.




The exit was – you’ve guessed – through the gift shop but surprisingly, not a single piece of the work we saw being completed was on sale.  My guess is the price was beyond the purses of those passing through, but it would have been good to have had the opportunity to take home the smallest of pieces. 

Anyway, with the best of timing, my camera battery flashed empty and since my spare one was in the minibus, the photos of the shop are still in my hero’s camera.  They might appear here sometime soon!


Friday morning adventure




We began the day with a demonstration from our chef.  Formerly of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Bangkok, he’s an utterly charming gentleman and takes every opportunity to chat and ask how we’re enjoying his food.  Needless to say, he gets a good deal of very positive feedback.

This morning, he was going to show us how he prepares a green chicken curry.




He handed round ingredients one by one.  Some were familiar, some less so – this is galangal.




By the time he’d got everything nicely under way, the restaurant was filled with the unmistakeable and very appetising aroma of lemongrass, coconut and all the spices of green chicken curry.  We were eager to sample, of course, and bowls of sticky rice were there in our hands in no time, ready and waiting!  The challenge will be to recreate that fantastic – and not so difficult, it seems – dish at home, won’t it?




Slightly fortified by that small snack, we were ready to take on the morning and the steep and rather rickety gangplank was just the start of the adventure.




We had no idea what to expect apart from that we were going to visit a bamboo factory here in Myinmu.




It was the mode of transport that came as a surprise!




Fitting large western bottoms into narrow, Asian spaces isn’t easy but somehow we all managed it and safely wedged in, off we set.




Our drivers called to one another as they went, surely comparing notes about the enormity of the load they each had to pedal along!




As we passed by, people waved, called “Mingalabar!” and smiled broadly.




The nine of us passing by made quite a stir!




I’d like to say we passed through lovely countryside, but sadly, the plastic bag and the plastic bottle has done for this landscape as it has for many others.




At one point, it was almost like passing through a landfill site – which maybe it was?




Eventually, we all squealed to a halt and we were here at our destination.  We eased ourselves out of the seats and jumped down, feeling a little stiff from the ride.  I hope our drivers were able to take a long, cool drink after their labours!




The owner of the factory appeared the minute we entered the yard and was introduced to us by Aung.  Her diminutive size was not indicative of her power – we got the impression she wielded a big stick around here!




We were going to see how fence panels and similar things were made from the bamboo which is farmed here and bought by the factory owner in its natural state.




It has to stand for a while, for the water to run out of the bottom and for the length of wood to dry out.




Then it’s cut and thinned down to particular lengths, depending on the eventual product.  This chap was making wall panels for houses.  He was working quickly and accurately, because like all the other workers here, he was on piecework.




It must be hard on the hands and physically tiring work, especially in this heat.




Around the corner, some wood was being cut. We health and safety people felt uncomfortable watching that, I can tell you.




Our next stop was the fun corner.  This was where a group of women made roof panels but right this minute none of them was here.




Madame explained that she’d called them all off to help with something different, but she whistled and they all returned to their normal task, weaving narrow but longish lengths of bamboo.  Like the other workers, they’re on piecework, too.




We smiled and greeted them and watched them work.




We were particularly concerned about the process of cutting the slats, however, which involved a huge cleaver.




They were working quickly and that huge blade seemed to come very close to bare feet and fingers.  Did they ever have an accident?  If so, how could they work – did they get sick pay?  Well, the answer seemed to be that Madame paid for any treatment which was needed, but that was as far as we could understand.  So the question of sick pay went unanswered.




But then I noticed the carrier bags hanging up here and there.  Strangely, they were all empty…




Of course, it wasn’t the bag that was hanging up but the picture on it!  I winked at one, gave a thumbs up in the direction of the bag and the giggles started.  Oh yes, a handsome man to gaze at makes the hours go by a little more happily!




Leaving the girls chattering, we moved on just around the corner where the master craftsman was at work.  Actually, a brother and sister working as a team, he cutting, she weaving this beautiful wall panel, evenly woven without a gap anywhere.  Needless to say, this pattern and quality demands the highest price and they the highest wages.




I especially liked the way the different shades of bamboo work together to form the herringbone pattern.




Mind you, I am easily distracted by the small details anywhere, including the head on this sweeping brush.  isn’t it lovely?




As we said goodbye to Madame and to the eighth grade schoolboy earning a little extra cash on a holiday job, cutting short lengths of bamboo ready for the roof panel girls to use, the trishaw cyclists were gathering their strength for the ride home.




Appropriately, Aung’s driver wore the yellow jersey!




We made a brief stop at an animist temple on the way back.




This one is the temple of the white horse and Aung pointed out how he knew.




Of course, when we looked, it was obvious!




We took a different route back, this time along the riverbank.




We could see Andanda moored, not so far away.  It was nearly lunchtime!




Just when we thought we were nearly there, we turned left and back into the village though – of course, our drivers needed to return to the trishaw stop, so we hopped out there and walked back down to the riverside.




As usual, there was plenty going on there.  Never a dull moment around here!


Along the Ayerarwady


After our morning market visit, we headed back to the Ananda and prepared to sail upriver.




It was going to be a hard day.




Well, not for us, perhaps, but for the people working along the river, there was indeed plenty to do, like moving some grass, for example. 




There didn’t seem to be much growing on these sandy riverbanks and yet there was a lot to move – and a fair few people to move with it.  Everyone was involved!




The river is really wide here and both sides are broad sandy flats.  There are a few people here and there in simple shelters, but we can’t work out if these are permanent homes or mere temporary shelters.




Sometimes, there’s a bit of vegetation holding the sand together, though we notice that whenever the water laps up to the shore, a bit of the bank disappears.




No wonder this is tricky navigation business. 




We have a government pilot on board, our captain is well versed in the way of the river and there are two more officers on the bridge, working from a radar, a sonar depth meter and equipped with binoculars.




A little further along, we come across this ship which has run aground.  The crew call over to ours and information is shared about the location of the deeper water.




A man with a stick goes along to check.




We have our own man with a stick too – perhaps they compare notes?




Ananda has a very shallow draught so we continue on our way, passing small communities and enjoying the peace and quiet.




We pass underneath an enormous bridge which could be the Anawrahta Bridge, at Chauk.




I am interested to see what people are doing as we pass them by.  I’m trying to catch up on my journal as we go but every so often, I grab my camera and leap up to take a picture.  Others are lounging about, reading or simply sitting snoozing whereas I am up and down like a yoyo!




Everything seems to take place by the river.  Bathing, washing the clothes, playing about, washing up.




We pass a few small temples too, useful landmarks.




Speaking of which, we have a landmark of our own – it’s lunchtime already!




After lunch, Aung talked a little about the longyi, the traditional dress of Myanmar.  We’ve each been given one as a gift and now was the time to find out how to wear it.




The gentlemen here look very elegant dressed in the traditional way, though we find it amusing how they untie it from time to time and waft it about a bit in the air before retying – they remain perfectly modest, because it’s stitched together without a gap.




Next, Timmy shows us how to tie the ladies’ version.




Rather than being made into a simple, straight tube of fabric, the ladies’ longyi has a couple of darts to emphasise her figure.  Timmy looked really lovely in hers but I can’t say the same for the rest of us lumpy western women!




She also did a demonstration of the thanaka paste and painted our faces in different styles.  It felt cool at first but as it dried, felt more like an old fashioned clay face mask!




Time for a snooze?  Well, possibly, but Tim had offered to show us behind the scenes and we were just too curious to refuse the invitation.




Going through the door marked “Staff only” we took a quick look at the water purification plant.




We moved swiftly on through the crew quarters




took a quick look in the laundry




peered into what might have been the air conditioning plant…




and with ear protectors firmly in place, went down into the engine room.




The Ananda has pods, just like the ocean going ship we’ll be joining next week.




Tim lifted a hatch so we could see one in action.




From up there on the bridge, we could see we were nearing our mooring for the evening.




The crew were ready and able to jump into action!




As soon as another boat got out of the way, that is.




There was a little welcome party waiting, as well.




Maybe they knew the crew would have a little something for them?




Though we were finished for the day and ready to go and change for dinner, others still had work to do, collecting water.




and carrying it home.  Who knows how far?




Others had things to carry home.




But the world over, there’s nothing like a cool dip at the end of a busy day,  is there?




And a beautiful sunset to round off a fascinating day on the river.