I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


One done...

One wristlet is finished! Yay!!
I really feel that my progress on this small, insignificant project has been quite pathetic and I think I could have done better. Never mind, I have learned plenty, which is what it's all about.
Whilst I have knitted just one of the pair, look what someone else has done!
I am in awe.


Fun with friends

What fun we had in Cirencester today! It was half term, so Maggie, Sue and I got together for a gossip and a bit of a mooch around. Met up in Brewery Arts for coffee, before exploring the delights of The Coln Gallery, where the pigments needed to be visited, oohed and aaahed over, and recorded for the benefit of our friends who appreciate such things.

We made it back to Brewery Arts for a spot of lunch, more chatter and photographs. Maggie and Sue looked so good against the beautifully painted mirror on the wall behind them.

But a method was soon found to make sure all three of us were in the picture eventually. The photograph does not reveal the bemused expression on the faces of those around us, as we tried several times to capture the moment. This one is the best of five or six I took. Sue will post her version on her blog (to be announced shortly)



Just read a post from fellow Loose Ender Les, about a conversation she had about the potential of fishbones in our art.

Reminded me of a great brooch I have, by an artist whose name I have forgotten, who died shortly after I acquired it. It is very well presented, on a block of acrylic, meaning that when I'm not wearing it I can enjoy it as a piece of art in itself.

In fact, I very seldom wear it.
I should wear it more often.
I will wear it tomorrow, in fact!


Knitting Olympics - Day Three

Still only out in daylight, though I've moved on - temporarily - from the dreaded fuzz and onto something more sensible. Today I knit the bottom layer of ruffle and joined it together with the fuzzy top layer.
In view of some comments likening my little masterpiece to a grub of some kind (thanks Paulene!) today's photo shows the ruffle being elegantly modelled. The picture does not reveal the beautiful work put in today, since that is a second, unseen layer beneath the fluffy one. You'll just have to believe it's there...and you do, don't you?

I realise that I have strayed from the pattern...but of course, it WAS deliberate ;-)


Knitting Olympics Day Two - Anti-Vampire Knitting

I think I have discovered the key to black Kidsilk Haze success - knit only in the hours of daylight. (hmmm, another challenge - guess when I usually knit?)

This morning I have completed the first ruffle on the first wristlet. OK - not much, I know, but at least it's OK and I didn't have to rip any out! Not only that, but during the day, I can see clearly enough to manage without the stitch markers.

That's progress IMHO!