I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


End of another term

Off to bring Edward home again this weekend, but taking in a CBSO concert on the way. For the first time in ages, it was still light when we arrived, so we had a brisk (bitterly cold) walk before going into Symphony Hall for the pre-concert talk. Mark will report the concert itself in our family blog, I will simply record the battery of percussion needed for Thea Musgave's Concerto for Orchestra. I think you can guess the character of the piece from this alone?

Stayed over at the City Inn, Brindley Place which was really good considering it was so cheap, and had supper in Bank after the concert. They kept us waiting so long for our table we were almost ready for breakfast, but a glass of champagne (on the house) went some way to placating us.

The journey to Cambridge was swift and uneventful. Hard to think that this will soon be home for another student and that Edward's three years are almost done.


Wearing warm Alpaca

It's bitterly cold here today and the east wind is finding every little crack to whistle through. I'm really pleased I finished my smoke ring because it's the cosiest thing to have a little light alpaca around my neck, and like the wristlets, is far more effective at keeping me warm than it might suggest.

I think I'll knit this pattern again. You know what that means, don't you? I need more yarn!


Moving on!

I've been out all day at a meeting over at our college, and returned to find a little heap of email. I don't normally highlight my blog to those near and dear, in case they read and recognise themselves (!) but went off in a rush this morning and didn't amend my signature on emails I sent. I will now have to watch what I write, won't I Jacquie? Diana?

In addition to emails from friends, there were a couple of encouraging ones to offset the gloom of yesterday's moaning minnie. And best of all, was one containing very special news indeed...so special that my lips are sealed, my fingers firmly tied. Watch this space next Wednesday...and possibly the papers!

And as I type, Mark is making a CD from an old favourite for a friend. Billy J Kramer is playing in the background, on a scratchy Long Playing record!

What a difference a day makes - isn't life good?

Picture was taken in a NYC bead and trimming shop last summer and has no relevance except that I thought it was quite fun. Would make a good jigsaw!


Less cheesed!

Had a super email from the tutor concerned with the previous post reminding me why we do it and why I shouldn't allow such negative thoughts to get to me.

What is it about our nature that amplifies criticism to such an extent that one negative comment can override all the positive ones?


Feeling cheesed off

There are times when, in spite of putting in a huge effort to pull something off, people refuse to be drawn in and resist every step of the way. You would think I'd know to give up then, to call it a day and quit whilst I was behind? Oh no...that would be far too obvious a path to take.

Instead, I carry on regardless, convinced that sooner or later they will see the light and be just the tiniest bit enthusiastic in return for all the efforts put into it.

You knew, didn't you, that they wouldn't. But did you ever imagine that they'd write and complain that it hadn't turned out quite as they'd thought and no, they wouldn't be continuing to see it through, thank you.