I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Hotel Art 3

Westin Ottawa this time - a good local flavour I think, and the collage style picture looked interesting, but somehow these two didn't do a great deal for the room. Perhaps the lack of colour was just too safe a choice? Posted by Picasa


Hotel Art 2

In stark contrast, this piece of art (apologies for the very poor photo!) was on the wall of the Ramada Fallsview Hotel, in Niagara Falls, Canada. It also claims to be a "boutique" hotel.  Posted by Picasa


Hotel Art 1

Whilst on holiday I took a series of photographs of the art on display. I think it reveals a good deal about the hotel and the image it hopes to communicate.

This piece was from the Soho Metropolitan, a "boutique" hotel in Toronto. Not exactly restful! It's one large canvas btw, separated by grey masked out strips and was about 4ft high and 6 or 7ft wide.

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..or unknitting.

The Mobius scarf looked like this yesterday, but as soon as I cast off the needle, I knew it wasn't right.

Too long.
Too loose.
Too droopy.
Not wide enough.

So, out it came. Pity I'd done such a terrific job of working a picot cast off.
Will have another go with half the number of stitches and a smaller needle size soon.
Let's hope I don't overdo the redux.

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Sock done

Finished the first of my "holiday" socks last night - the knitting was already done, but I didn't take a sewing needle with me so couldn't do the toe. At the last minute, I changed my mind and left the green lace socks at home, thinking the pattern was way too complicated for me to do in anything less than peace and quiet. So, I started this pair for Mark, in the same Fortissima Socka yarn as the Jaywalker, but blue, using a pattern from Sensational Socks. The pattern is a false cable and is just the right balance between interest and mindless. Did a traditional heel on this one too, since he finds the short row heels make for difficulties getting socks on and off.

The cable pattern makes the finished sock very long and narrow, so I had to fold it to get it into the picture! Have started the second one already - can't have two cases of SSS at once.
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