I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


At home. At last!

But not for long. The finished studio remains empty because we simply don't have time to begin the major sort out/put back. I'm really pleased with the way it's turned out though and especially with the two large Varde worktables. Not only do these provide a great place to stand and work but they also have plenty of paper storage on shelves underneath, for it's the large sheets of paper which have been my biggest challenge!

(Remember this??)

I seem to have picked up a chest/throat bug from somewhere and am suffering today. Peff.....peff...... I called in sick for the first time in years today.

But in spite of that, it's a good day. We were thrilled to get a phone call yesterday with the news that Edward's got the job he was interviewed for last week. In August, he'll start work as researcher for Nick Gibb, MP for Bognor and Littlehampton, Shadow Minister for Schools which possibly means that financial independence is almost achieved!

(He's worth every penny ;-)

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Today I went to Wales

We spent this morning at the National Botanic Garden, where I had to take my favourite photograph (again). Once more, we wondered where everyone was, for it was mostly deserted in spite of the glorious weather. This afternoon, I had work to do - the fun kind, thank goodness.
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...and when I got home,

look what I found!

Someone has been busy building furniture and "my" wall is almost done. I am delighted!

Thank you, sweetie xx


Hotel Art 12 - Yorkshire

We have been staying at the Devonshire Fell Hotel, in Burnsall in Wharfedale and seldom have I had so much hotel art to record.

In my room, I enjoyed the company of someone's parents, a most interesting pair to peer at from time to time.

This chair was a little less to my taste, though I found the composition very satisfying and calming.I very much enjoyed looking around the gallery of portrait photography on each floor, too. Such wonderful contrasts in these timeless images.

The dining room was a work of art in itself, never mind the glorious paintings to enjoy at mealtimes! Who would have thought that such an unassuming country house hotel would have such an exuberant decor?

I loved it so much, I forgave them for neglecting to tweak the hanging from time to time!


I have been on an adventure!

Travelling with a group of seven amazing women during the last week has been such an enriching experience.

The sun has shone every day and the English countryside could have not looked better.
Gloucestershire was green and gorgeous as ever.

Yorkshire was full of lambs enjoying the lush green pastures.

We visited the most fascinating of places and delighted in so many shared interests.

As for what else we got up to....well, perhaps you'll have to use your imagination!