I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


Couldn't put it down...

I've just finished "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox" and found it a compelling read. It's been on my bedside table for a couple of months and somehow it's taken a while to find its way into my hands. From the very first page it drew me in completely and the beautifully told story of a tragic life is well paced and very moving.
There's a review here by Jane Gardam, which sums it up far better than I ever could.


A night out

We were in Birmingham last night, for we had tickets to see Katherine Jenkins and Darcy Bussell in Viva La Diva. Before the show we spent a lively half hour watching the antics on the ice rink outside Symphony Hall, hearing such words of wisdom as "It's ok, you can't fall over unless someone bumps into you". This was probably true for the large number of people fearfully keeping hold of the handrail around the edge of the rink!

Symphony Hall was looking rather different from usual and the seats began to fill faster and more comprehensively than any symphony concert we've attended which wasn't surprising since we'd booked our tickets months ago and founds few available even then.

Though we did our best not to dwell on the reviews we'd read (more here and here and here) the show failed to match the standards we'd expected, sadly. Both women are undoubtedly talented though it was only Darcy who really hit the spot with us even though Katherine Jenkins seemed to have had the more difficult journey in the making of the show. She put in a creditable performance as a dancer, even if when the two danced side by side it was clear that she was not quite in the same league as her co-star! Thankfully, some small details (the start of the show) appear to have been changed since the start of the tour - no longer does it open with the pair in pyjamas, but with a warbled delivery of Jenkins' Viva Tonight and a typically stunning performance by Darcy Bussell.

What confounded us most was the vibrato in Jenkin's voice which persisted throughout the evening though was less noticeable in the more upbeat numbers. OK, we're not adoring fans of hers, but hearing her recordings gives no clue that her live performance will be so different. That Symphony Hall has been filled on three consecutive evenings by people paying more than twice the average symphony concert ticket price is vaguely depressing. Seldom more than half full for concerts including world class soloists playing music from the generally conventional repertoire (seldom does the programme include anything more adventurous than Bruckner or Sibelius!) it was remarkable that so many people were prepared to offer a standing ovation last night's performance. Such is the power of the media hype, I guess.


Oh my, how the time flies

I simply cannot believe that it's so long since I posted something here. Time to put that right and bring everything up to date.
Though there has been far too much of this

and this

and not at all enough of this

we are getting into the spirit and things around here are looking Christmassy.
(shame about the light switch!)
Our tree is a particularly good shape this year and it looks so pretty lit up each evening.
I'm enjoying the kind thoughts of good friends a great deal and though I sometimes question the whole Christmas card business, I very much appreciate being sent them from friends far and near, especially when they contain family news to celebrate.
(The louvre door idea came from somewhere unknown years ago, but is a particularly good way to manage so many cards, especially since it means we can take individual cards down to read now and again)

Dear friends and neighbours have called with some lovely plants and flowers and I am particularly enjoying the wonderfully rich colours of these poinsettias.

and in the midst of such generosity and good spirit, it's not difficult to keep the real reason for Christmas in mind.

My list is still getting longer by the day but we'll get it all done, for sure. Right now, it seems more important to enjoy the company of family and friends, to appreciate each day and not to be overwhelmed by it all. We'll go to Hull this weekend and again on the 27th, doing our best to make sure that one person in particular does not feel forgotten. Believe me, she is never far from my thoughts.


Shoes and Shopping

Funny, isn't it, that I have more time to blog when I'm away from home? Here we are, a week since we've been home (almost to the hour) and it's the first time I've had chance to put something together. OK, I've been up to Hull, enjoyed a great evening in the company of Susoolu and spent a few hours with my dear Mum. We've visited Edward in his new flat in Finsbury Park and I've made three Christmas cakes.

I've also started Shimelle's Christmas Journal class again. I signed up last year and was pleased with the outcome so was delighted to find that I was included again this year - what other class do you know of which delivers the goods again and again and again - all for one enrolment? Brilliant! Though I don't follow the prompts slavishly, it does mean that I try to write something each day to record what I've done - and on those days when I don't think I've achieved a great deal it's a great reminder that I really haven't wasted my time.

Take yesterday for example. I wondered where the day had gone. A visit from the gas man to repair a couple of radiators, together with Ian the painter who's painting our garden room - the day whizzed by and I hardly noticed. But quite a bit was achieved now I come to think of it!

First of all, the fairy shoemaker was busy. Good grief, the sewing machine was switched on again - nearly had to get the manual out to find the on/off switch ;-)

Then later, one of our members opened her home for a little Christmas sale. Well, perhaps not quite so little...(home or sale....)

Not a bad day's effort, really.


Dangerous discovery

Mark has discovered The Container Store! I can hear Mary and Jordi laughing because of course, they knew all along that my dear, neat-freak husband would be in raptures over a display of cable tidies....

Never has the slogan on their carrier bag been so appropriate.

En route to the T, we passed this confusing sports club sign. Perhaps therein lies the clue as to why the US have never made it very far in the cricket field?