I am a better blogger whilst on holiday than I am when I'm at home. For one thing, I have more to blog about. Here, the days whiz by full of activity which is pretty mundane for the most part, although I did have an interesting Tuesday on the judging panel of a knitting competition.
On this Bank Holiday weekend however, I am preoccupied. On Tuesday we'll start to set up an exhibition in Tewkesbury Abbey to celebrate 90 years of the WI in Gloucestershire and that's quite some task. Needless to say, my mind is there already and I'm making lists. And more lists. Hopefully this time next week, I shall have great tales from the front line to tell.
If you're in or around Tewkesbury next Friday, Saturday or Sunday, do drop in!

For now, though, let's talk knitting as I try really hard to use today to relax and forget about next week!

Inspired by my friend Nita, at our recent "escape" to Urchfont Manor, I wanted to start a triangular lace shawl. This is not the first time I've tried. The archives here tell of failed swallowtails, of tinked Ene and of encouraging sessions with talented friends who reassured me and shared their tips and hints.

But, off on holiday with plenty of car time to knit, a skein of Handmaiden SeaSilk (Lily Pond) from my stash, I set about knitting the Little Arrowhead Shawl which seemed a fairly straightforward pattern that even I could manage. Sure enough, I could manage, though I still made some basic mistakes which irritated me intensely (I'm such a perfectionist) and the end result is less than perfect and rather small. Even though I added several extra pattern repeats, as many as my ball of yarn would allow, I find the shawl more of a neckerchief and the border pattern disappointing to the point where it might as well not be there at all.
But I did it. I have a completed shawl and my confidence is restored. Thanks Sue and Sue for sharing those tips and tricks which made it possible.

The other holiday project was a crochet scarf begun at Urchfont as a hookalong with friends. They've all finished theirs already (some have made more than one!) and most are double the size of mine as a result of my tight tension issues. Still, I'm pleased with it, am still enjoying the process but find that I can't do much at one sitting as the crochet tires my hands (tension issues?!) The Sublime cashmere merino silk yarn is so soft and cosy and was an excellent choice but why did I choose brown?

Anyway, with these gorgeous yarns sitting on my table, yesterday I found myself thinking back to Nita's knitting and went in search of a pattern for a better lace shawl. Still nervous of my ability, I was glad to find the Forest Canopy Shawl which looked pretty good and would be a great one-ball-project.
