Oh yes, we were collecting the turkey, weren't we? Quite a lot has happened since then, I must say.

What once looked like this,

looked like this on Christmas Day.

Today, this was the dreary outlook.
But have we had fun? You bet!

We kicked off with our traditional Christmas Eve cheese fondue, taking our traditional time-delay photo. Unbelievably, this year we all managed to make our photo face at the same time.

Then, a huge mystery parcel appeared under the tree. I was told it was for me!

After opening stockings full of sweets, useful gadgets and interesting bits and pieces, we exchanged presents and shared the cooking duties between us. Somehow, it was stress-free and actually rather fun. Whatever happened to those heavy-duty catering responsibilities of old?
Santa had a great selection of books for me this year, together with a new camera and an "everyday" watch. But of course, I was desperate to learn what was in the big package...

Coffee is served! (will that be long, short, cappuccino, macchiato or latte?) Since I'm the coffee drinker in this household, it really is "my" present and a real indulgence, too. It even grinds the beans, clever thing!

But I completed the Christmas jigsaw alone this year: Edward was busy catching up with his writing and trying hard to read all five books of a series he found on Mark's shelf. We took him back up to London on Monday and he's spent a couple of short days in the office, dealing with the deluge of emails which have accumulated over the few days he's been away. He's also had chance to initiate his Christmas present today - I guess the days of the big Lego kit are long gone!

We prepare for a houseful of friends for the next few days by making ballet shoes soaking butterbeans!
With every good wish for a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!