After a few days at home, making tea for builders and other similar housekeeping duties, a long weekend of culture was just what was needed.
My usual front of house duties for the Stuart Singers summer concerts began on Friday and continued on Saturday evening, when we basked in sunshine, shivered in the draught and dodged the shower of rain – no wonder that we haven’t a clue what to wear these days. Still, the concerts went down well with rave reviews and enthusiastic audiences on both nights, too.
We’d met friends in Cheltenham with a view to visiting the Open Studios but it was such a glorious day that pottering about and lingering over lunch was a more relaxing option! The Science Festival was going great guns in Imperial Gardens as you can see and Gustav Holst appeared to be in control.
I was amused by this sign, though stumped as to how better to word it. “Ladies Crossing” might be more apt?
I left my camera in my bag on Sunday, thinking throughout Tra’s recital at Park House in Cheltenham, that I ought to take a photograph of her elegant shoes working the pedals on the grand piano; but of course, it was inappropriate to do so during her performance and when the recital was over, the moment was gone. It was great to see her and lovely to have chance to catch up over supper at Brasserie Blanc afterwards.
As if a weekend of culture wasn’t enough to be going on with, I topped it off by meeting good friends Paulene, Nita and Sue at Tate Modern yesterday.
Visiting a gallery with friends is so rewarding, especially when artworks such as this Cy Twombly (one of three similar works on adjacent walls) provoke an immediate reaction in all four of us. Yet in just five minutes standing and looking, noticing, thinking and sharing those thoughts, a transformation takes place and by the time we leave the room, we can have switched opinions altogether!
Sadly, Sue had to leave sooner than we’d have liked, but she’d come a long way and is probably just about on her way home as I write this. Great to see her though, and a great shame we can’t meet up more often.
Anyone making much progress on a teleporter yet?