Autumn days

The photograph I always want to take as I drive over the Severn Crossing, but for obvious reasons, seldom can. But on this occasion, my Hero was in the driving seat as we crossed into Wales for a couple of days. I was working in Carmarthen on Saturday and Bettine and Mark decided they’d take Edward to a few of their old haunts.
We had a great couple of days and I really enjoyed working with a fascinating group of people on Saturday.
Carmarthen is ahead of the game and gets the prize for the first decorations of the year – or are they the last ones from Christmas 2013 do you think?
The hotel won the prize for the highest number of notices reminding guests of the need to register their vehicle. They were to be found on every door, on each table in the bar, in the restaurant and on several walls in the reception area too. Heaven knows what might have happened had we not done this but with so many reminders there were surely no excuses for forgetting.
After a couple of days fun, some great food and of course, the sweet company of our nearest and dearest, we were back home.
There was work to be done! My dear Bourton on the Water friends had collected two bags of sloes for me and I had put a bag of damsons in the freezer for this year’s winter warmers. But before we could even begin, the 2011 vintage had to be bottled.
As the rich, ruby liquid was decanted, the quality control department made the required sampling and declared 2011 a grand vintage!
A quick run to the supermarket was needed for more gin, but soon the last drops were poured into two demijohns and the 2014 Sloe and Damson Gins were shaken and sealed.
Here’s hoping for another great year – thank you Marjorie and Connie, sloe collectors extraordinaire!