I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries in USA (233)






We’d decided to explore Fort Worth – aka Cowtown – today and with the temperature rising (26C at 10am) we parked the car as near Sundance Square as we could and set off on Shanks Pony.




We wandered around a little but discovered that Sundance Square doesn’t really wake up till 11 or thereabouts so downtown was a little quiet to say the least.




So we focused on other things.




Whilst we’d been looking for a parking space, I’d spotted the Bass Hall and thought it was worth walking back to take a closer look at those angels.




Well, things are bigger in Texas, don’t they say?




We thought that by now, the shops in the Mall should be open, but however hard we pulled, the door wouldn’t open.




So we wandered through the square itself, lingering by the cool fountain, admiring the Cowtown mural painted – or was it mosaic? – to commemorate the Chisholm Trail.




Now, as we stood opposite a branch of the Worthington Bank, I spotted something in the windows.  In fact, in every window of the banking hall, there was a Longhorn hanging there.  I just had to take a closer look!




So I went in.  in my very best English accent, I ooohed and aaahed – because the interior made me ooh and aah!  I’d never seen such a quaint bank, where each teller was sitting behind a desk in a wrought iron enclosure.  References to the origin of the Fort Worth finances were all around me, with bronze cattle, paintings of cattle and yes, those wall mounted cattle.  The staff were simply delightful and having chatted about the weather (well, what else!?) I offered my profuse thanks and left them to their work.




Just down the road was another Fort Worth insitution. M J Leddy’s.  Situated in the oldest department store with “manufactured air” on this side of the Mississippi, we took the opportunity to step inside, to cool off a little and to take a look around.




There was a distinctive Texas style to the goods on sale here and attractive though many of them were, they’d look a bit out of place beyond the State Line I fear.




Maybe not the best footwear for negotiating a Cotswold lane, either?  With a glance at the paraphernalia for carrying such boots around, not to mention all the hat accessories (carrying cases, stretchers and so on) we made our way back to the car to move on to the next thing on our list.




Sacagewea stood outside; she of the Lewis and Clark expedition, whom we’ve encountered on several previous occasions.




On the opposite side was a rather sentimental bronze of a woman with a horse.




We were at the National Cowgirl Museum.




Actually, the building itself was rather interesting, built in Art Deco style and set apart from other museums in the Fort Worth Cultural Quarter.




Inside was bright and fresh.  This purpose-built museum was full of the spirited characters who called themselves cowgirls: women who had proved capable of moving thousands of cattle singlehanded over lengthy trails across the country; who had ridden in rodeos and starred in films as stunt doubles and just one or two who had become household names: Annie Oakley for example.




We really enjoyed the exhibitions and were amazed at how much detail was in there and how much fun there was to be had with some of the interactive features though we drew the line at having a go riding the bucking bronco!




One of our favourite features was about Jessie the Toy Story Cowgirl who, it was decided, would never, ever wear a skirt.  Looks like they found a different model for the sign, then!


#3 on our list was the Science Museum next door, so we hurried through the midday heat and into the cool foyer.  Mindful of the fact we’d had the Cowgirl Museum more or less to ourselves, what we found inside here came as a bit of a shock –NOISE!  Like any Science Museum, this one was a popular place for families and oh my, could we tell!  Not only that, but the exhibits were a wee bit, well, juvenile for us – who was it who said this would be a great place to come?

Actually one small corner made up for the whole of the rest.  After a cold drink and a bite to eat, we made our way to the Cattle Ranchers exhibit.




See?  I’d been so shell shocked by the craziness I hadn’t even taken a photograph until now!




Here, we learned about the business of Cowtown; how the cattle were herded on the plains, brought into town and driven to the railhead.




One exhibit fascinated me: This head dress was exactly as I had always imagined a Native American Chief’s head dress to be.  How interesting to see it at close quarters.




Then came the answer to another small mystery that has reared its head in Fort Worth.




There was a whole display and full explanation of the importance of barbed wire in enclosing the plains.  Not only that, but it seems as though there were more than 500 patented designs with thousands of variations.  Wow.




So that explains why our hotel room number has this design upon it!  (I had wondered…)




A display and explanation of how the trails linked with the railroads was interesting too and as soon as I spotted the Texas and Pacific Railroad up there, I had to wait until the little animation showed the train passing through Marshall.  Well, you understand why, don’t you?

Enough already, then, now we’d done with the Cattle Ranchers story.  We could have joined a crowd to see a presentation in the Planetarium next door but we decided against that and made our way back to the car.




But having solved the mystery of the barbed wire motif on our hotel room plate, yet another puzzle presented itself.  Just what do you think this sign means?




Our final stop for the day was a haven of peace, cool and culture.




A fantastic new gallery with space and natural light in abundance, we took a look around the Renzo Piano Pavilion before crossing the road over to the Kahn building, where there was a wonderful collection of European art.




I particularly liked the Chinese scroll from the 14th century, completed having returned home from a visit.




I guess it was the artist’s version of my road trip journal?!  Nothing new under the sun, eh?

It was a pleasing way to finish our day out and feeling rather weary in the heat of the late afternoon, we headed back to the Stockyards and our hotel.




Our room was just as we’d left it this morning, though: no clean towels or any housekeeping action whatsoever.  So, whilst someone dealt with all of that, my hero and I stepped outside to watch the 4pm show on the street outside.  A crowd was already waiting, enjoying the fine, cool mist from a few fans along the street.




Instructions were given – no sitting down; even children should be standing, and please be careful…




Robert, the Longhorn photographer stood waiting for business in the hope that someone might come along and climb aboard: my WI friend Edna had already told me that she had done exactly that!  Go Edna!!




At 4pm on the dot, here they came: the Stockyard herd of Longhorn cattle.




And sure enough, just to tie up the story nicely, they were led by a cowgirl!

Wasn’t that neat?


On the road again




Another day, another breakfast venue!




No sooner had we set off than it was Texas-time.  We crossed the state line on an ordinary country road though, so no fanfare, no song and dance and just a small, unassuming sign.




Mind you, there was a reminder on every sign from then on.




We had a long drive today and my hero had identified a couple of places worth taking a break.  The first one was in Marshall.




The Marshall Depot was the home of the Texas and Pacific Railroad Museum.




Here, we met Laura who gave us the lowdown and he who knows about such things was quite impressed.




After a quick look around the displays, we ventured outdoors into the intense heat where Laura unlocked the caboose…




This was where the crew had made themselves at home on the immensely long journeys they made and it was kitted out rather like a caravan inside.




The huge engine alongside was there to be explored too.




I could see my seat waiting there, so climbed inside and made myself at home.




I even waved to a fellow driver across the way Winking smile




Mind you, it wasn’t easy to see where I was going – what a good job the rails are there to keep the train on track.




That was that then, for the T&P.  We thanked and said ‘bye to Laura and set off on our way once again.




We knew we’d have to take the Interstate later, but for now, the US 80 was just fine.




We were heading for Kilgore and the East Texas Oil Museum.




We watched an introductory video in which we learned that this museum had an international reputation for excellence and led the world in its field.




The first few exhibits were focused on life in East Texas when the oil was first discovered.  I admired the way the ephemera had been displayed and yes, it had been well put together.




As we admired the immaculately presented Ford motor car, however, we were corralled by the “Master Docent”, an elderly gentleman who wanted to tell us his story.  We were ready to move on, though, eager to learn about what we’d come here for: oil.  So, at the first opportunity, I did my best to escape.

“C’mon over here!”

He spotted us moving on before he had finished what he had to say.  He was standing by an old ice box; the predecessor of a fridge, and wanted to tell us about how his Mother made him ice cream on the 4th of July.  Thankfully, by now, another family had appeared and with the cover of additional people standing around, we made our escape into the next room.  I felt mean, for after all, the man had a wealth of information to share.  But we had limited time and didn’t really want to stand listening to his ramblings when we’d come to view the museum.




So when we stepped into the next room and heard a voice calling to us and attracting our attention, we looked up for fear of having been followed!  How could he have climbed that lamp post though?

We had nothing to fear.  The museum was set around several dioramas, some of which had “live” action figures telling a story and this chap was introducing the story of how the discovery of oil brought huge changes to this area.




Most were set in a bit of a ramshackle scene which could have used some of the same focus as the first displays.




Some were a bit spooky, like this newspaper editor whose chest inflated and deflated rather extravagantly but who was otherwise lifeless. 




But I think it was the “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” that pushed us over the edge.  It was time to hit the road again and leave the people of Kilgore to tell their story to some less cynical visitors!




Almost two hours later, we were approaching our destination.




Well, it seemed like a good idea…




With the skyscrapers of Dallas shining like the Emerald City on the horizon, we counted down the miles to Fort Worth.




Even the flags are bigger in Texas!




We plan a couple of days fun here in Fort Worth and have just enjoyed dinner at Riscky’s, possibly the first meal I’ve had in ages that didn’t include shrimp!




Goodnight then, from the Lone Star State x


It’s all about the journey




A moving on day today.  We left the Civil War behind – hotel cannons too – and headed west




over the Mississippi Bridge into Louisiana.  (Oooops, nearly missed that sign on the State line!)




Sadly, I did miss the big welcome sign but it’s tricky taking photographs when travelling at speed!




There was quite a different landscape on the western side of the river – a flatter, more agricultural scene than we’ve seen at any time this trip.




To begin with, along Highway 80, it was mostly corn growing alongside the road.




But soon, a different crop was there.  We were unsure at first but decided it was soybeans.  I took a photo so I could check once we had access to Google again Winking smile




The towns were a little scratty, sad to say and it didn’t look as if any of them had hit the big time recently. I think life in northern Louisiana must be pretty hard going if towns like Talullah, above, were anything to go by.




Still, it’s always more interesting to stick to the byways and even if the sights are unconventional, we still enjoy the observations!




From time to time there’s a bonus sighting for someone (guess who?)  This train passed us by slowly enough for Mary to wave to the driver (and get a wave in return).  No sooner had we got over the excitement than…




There was another!  (and another wave…)




Our first stop was scheduled for Monroe, LA, where there was an old Coca Cola bottling plant; one of the first, apparently.  But try as we might, we couldn’t find anything of the sort. 

So we moved right along towards our next “highlight” at Gibsland.  Only one problem…you know that railway line?  They were working on one of the level crossings and with only 500m to go, the road was closed!




Seriously closed too.  No sneaking through!

The car in front of us took a left turn down a small lane though, so we followed it and sure enough, we made it across the ricketiest of bridges and into Gibsland.  As we crossed the bridge we could see them replacing the rails.  No wonder we couldn’t cross.




Never say we don’t have adventures though.  We had overcome several difficulties to get here…




Yes, this was the Bonnie and Clyde town.  But having got this far, we decided the place looked so hokey, we’d not bother going inside!




I peered through the windows though!




Oh, and guess what was on the opposite corner of the street?  Another Bonnie and Clyde Museum!



Their car was parked outside the first one though, so we thought we knew which one was the real deal.




Time to move on, then.  But look what we found.  Second time today!




Thankfully it was an easy diversion and before too long we were arriving in Bossier City, just across the Red River from Shreveport, our destination.




I had to take this picture for my British friends, for whom “pants” has an altogether different meaning.  Just think, nearly $15 for ironing three pairs of pants (even if you did get the 4th pair free)




Anyway, though we knew Shreveport to be a gambling destination, the contrast from what we’ve seen today was still a surprise.




We’ve booked Hilton brands throughout our road trip, mostly opting for Hampton Inns until now.  With no Hampton Inn in town, we booked a straightforward Hilton hotel but on our arrival, our reservation had become lost.  Thankfully, on a Tuesday out of conference season, there were plenty of rooms available and since he had to make a new booking for our rooms, we got them at today’s last minute, bargain price: nice one!

Nice view too Winking smile




Dinner tonight was at the Blind Tiger; the name a reference to prohibition days, I discovered.  Mary and I chose fried shrimp, which was yummy, and it was my hero who did the local thing tonight: he chose a shrimp platter with fried shrimp, blackened shrimp, shrimp ettouffee, shrimp pies with deep fried corn and jambalaya!

Oh and I forgot to say,  Louisiana is a new US state for us and when we stepped out of the car in Monroe, we chalked up #46.   Ker-ching!!


The Battlefield




Directly across the road from our hotel is the Vicksburg National Military Park.  We’d read about this in a blog some time ago and after this morning’s iffy experiences, we looked forward to a contemporary and professionally designed attraction as we’ve come to expect from the National Parks Service here.




First, there was a video introduction to the events.  I never for one minute lost concentration, Mary stayed awake and yes, my hero watched it all through as well Winking smile




From there, we picked up our map and jumped back in our car, because we’d decided to drive the 16 mile route.  We could have download an app to follow on our phones, but with data charges considered, that wasn’t really practicable.  Another option was to buy a CD to play in the car with a commentary, or we could do as we did in Gettysburg some years ago and have a park ranger come with us in our car and give us a guided tour.  Whilst that had been a really great way to learn about the events in detail, none of us were sitting an A level History exam with a Civil War module this time, so we opted for the simplest choice: we’d follow the map and guide ourselves.




There wasn’t too much traffic so we could take things at our own pace.  Fairly frequent memorials and markers were set on both sides of the single track, one way road and having stopped at the first few, we soon realised that if we were to stop at every single one, we’d be here for a week.




We hadn’t gone far when there were a few spots of rain on the windscreen.  It had been 97F when we went back to the car after the presentation, and the sky had looked a little dark in places, so perhaps it wasn’t that surprising.




We enjoyed spotting the various landmarks and changing landscape. doing our best to tally them with the map.




Though actually, once we were close enough, everything was very clearly marked with a blue sign for the Union and red for the Confederacy.




To begin with, we were driving through Union lines and yes, it was starting to rain heavily now.




I was happy with the window wound down, taking photographs, whilst Mary held onto the map and read the commentary as we approached a key point along the way.




Except that soon, what had been a refreshing few drops of rain became a torrential downpour and rather than get soaked, we would the windows up quickly.




As it thundered and lightened, we sat it out a while and stopped the car.  There was no fun to be had driving when we couldn’t see anything.




As is often the case, these things don’t last long and we were soon on our way again.




We continued our tour and simply followed clear signs as we reached the furthest point.




We came upon this white tent and thought that perhaps there had been an event in the park this weekend, before realising that this was the display of the USS Cairo, a Unionist Monitor ship which had been sunk by the Confederates.




Whilst Mary and I didn’t really want to dodge the few raindrops that were still falling, my hero was keen to see the Cairo at closer quarters, so off he went whilst we took a short nap!




Back on the trail then.




Past a cemetery where rows of simple stones marked the graves of some of the 17,000 souls who lost their lives here.




By this time, we were on the Confederate side.




Here was General Pemberton, who finally had no choice but to order the surrender.




Here was the monument to the dead of Mississippi.




Local men whose families attended the dedication of the monument and who appeared in the striking photograph alongside it.




And finally, here was Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, whose house and office we’d visited in Montgomery.  I always find it pleasing when a thread runs through our travels and when, eventually, loose ends come together like this.




We knew we’d reached the end of the trail because lo and behold, there’s our hotel right opposite!




Our day wasn’t quite over though, because Bernina was calling about seven miles up the road at Stitch and Frame.  Don’t be fooled by the plain and unassuming exterior though, because inside is a dream of a sewing store!




Just a few quilting frames set up in the corner, alongside the latest Bernina commercial embroidery machine.




Everything Bernina in the next room too, alongside a few reels of thread.




Needless to say, there was a huge room full of fabric too, but I was simply too overwhelmed and forgot to take a photo of that.  But suffice to say, if I could have transplanted the lot to Gloucestershire, I’d have been very happy.

This evening, I chose a Mississippi speciality for dinner: catfish, hush puppy and fries.  It was delicious!


Taking sides


Though it has inevitably been a topic of conversation here and there, we haven’t really been 100% immersed in the outcome of last week’s referendum as much here as we would be at home.  People here are interested, though, and seem amazed (as we are) that the Brexit choice was the outcome.  All we can say is “we did our best”.  I say this because we are in Civil War country now.  A war which happened 150 years ago but which still divides the people here.  Who knows how many years divisions appearing in our own country will take to heal?




Out we went this morning, into a humid 94F already, so we steamed up immediately.




Acclimatised, we arrived at the Vicksburg Old Courthouse, site of the town museum.




The approach was full of Civil War-related items because here in Vicksburg, it’s the Civil War which looms largest.




But when we saw two small signposts, we did a double take.




Oh, come on!  Surely there were not separate entrances for men and women?  Well, no, those were the signs to the public loos:  We all went straight through that front door!




Inside we found a pretty old fashioned museum, unchanged from the days when glass cabinets were containers for all manner of bits and pieces and the concept of the “visitor experience”  had not really been considered.




Anything and everything had been placed in a cabinet, together with an information card giving details of the donor as well.  Exhibits had been sorted into broad categories, so this was the Civil War room, for example.




Oh yes, there were curiosities a plenty, such as the Minie Ball Pregnancy




But there were so many things in there that at times it was hard to see the wood for the trees.




That, coupled with all the information cards, meant that some cases were simply overwhelming.




Upstairs told a similar tale.  Lots of interesting bits and pieces but in such quantity that it was difficult to know where to look.




This meant that in some cases, the items were simply not adequately conserved.




The costume room in particular was simply crammed full of treasure.




I had no problem identifying who I’d take home with me though, given the chance.  This bear had been given to a small boy by Teddy Roosevelt and probably had the most breathing space of anything in the museum, actually!




Just when I was thinking that they’ve probably got at least one of everything here, sure enough, there was another of those top hat baths we saw at Gaineswood the other day.

As we left the museum, we chatted about our experience.  Sure, the two gentlemen ?volunteers? had been charming and very helpful but perhaps they needed some support in cleaning, sorting and reducing the number of things on display?  But if the Old Courthouse had fallen short of what we’d expect from a 21st century museum experience, then our next destination was to plumb further depths.




Our next stop was the Old Depot, formerly the Yazoo and Mississippi Valley Railroad Depot which was now advertised as another museum of Vicksburg.




As soon as we opened the door, we were greeted by “Where y’all from?” and were given a breakdown of what was on show here.  Having paid our $5 each admission, we were recommended to see the visual presentation about the Civil War which would inform our visit and explain the battlefield diorama too.  A young man was summoned to show us to the location and to switch the thing on – we sat on folding chairs in and around the diorama and watched what turned out to be a slide show on the TV high on the wall.  It lasted 30 minutes, during which time Mary tried not to fall asleep, I compiled a shopping list and my hero – of course – watched every bit.




Having watched the whole show, we looked around the diorama and the assortment of model boats, took a brief look at a couple of model railways before making a swift exit.  This had been a really amateurish affair and once again a little curation wouldn’t go amiss. 




By this time, it was almost lunchtime and Vicksburg had sprung to life.  The leafy Main street was bustling with traffic and was much as we’d expected Natchez to be yesterday.




We spotted The Mad Baker and popped inside for a cool drink and a bite to eat after which we went on to visit the main visitor attraction of Vicksburg; the battlefield itself and another National Park triumph.

Meet me in the next post and I’ll tell you about it.

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