I keep my blog as a personal record of what I'm up to, which might be seen as working towards "An elegant sufficiency, content, retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books, ease and alternate labour, useful life"

I'm certainly not there yet.  There is quite some way to go!










Entries by Gill Thomas (2254)


From our turret




It was a very early start this morning for this, our Autumn jolly to celebrate my birthday later this week.  We left James at home with a list and set off in the early evening to stay overnight at the Heathrow Sofitel, waiting up to meet Edward who arrived late from a Parliamentary reception.  All safely gathered in, we set our alarms for 5am.




The advantage to such an early start was that by mid-morning we were well on our way, on the autoroute towards Montpellier.




We had to get the Euro purse out quick though, for the peage!




We’re in Cassoulet country.  Someone is planning a sampling.




A small detour took us along the Canal du Midi, looking rather lovely in the early Autumn sunshine.




Soon, we were almost there. The medieval turrets of Carcassonne came into view and there was just time to take a quick snap.




We had elaborate parking instructions but in reality, it was all pretty sketchy.  A young man pointed to a space in a bit of scrubby grassland before suggesting that we might prefer the security of the hotel car parking area, complete with transfer for ourselves and our luggage – at a cost, needless to say. 




The parking area looked just the same and we couldn’t see any additional security, but thinking that we didn’t really want to be trucking out suitcases down through the streets to somewhere unknown, we agreed and piled into this tiny car to be driven through narrow streets, scattering an assortment of tourists along the way.




We were soon making ourselves at home in our turret then, opening windows and looking out over the city.  It was a beautiful afternoon and we were eager to get our bearings and explore a little.




The narrow streets and picturesque alleyways were exactly as we’d imagined and though there were quite a few tourists about, there was plenty of space for all.




In the marketplace we stopped for a drink and a bite to eat.




Cassoulet of course!




Over the next couple of days, there will be time to explore this lovely place in more detail, but for now, we simply enjoyed the view and were glad to be here.




Even better this evening when everyone else has gone home and we seem to have the city almost to ourselves!


Straight line sewing


There are times when it’s really satisfying to work through a complex set of instructions and create something remarkable.  Making that bag recently was satisfying in spite – or because - of the frustrations and I’ll always want to have a go at a tricky project like that now and again.  But there are other times when I just want to sew straight lines.




For a while, a Moda Jelly Roll has been sitting on my shelf, bought for half price in some sale or other without any intention or purpose.  Strangely, though it’s called “A Breath of Avignon” and designed by American Jane, the label on the back says “Made in Japan” and it has a Japanese reference number attached.  Anyway, it’s a collection of those Provencal style fabrics which speak sunshine to me and I looked forward to using it, when I found a pattern, that is.

And then I came across this.




So first I sewed the strips of fabric into groups of four and pressed the seams flat.




I cut the 8” squares across the strips.




I sorted them into twenty random pairs and placed them right sides together.




I turned them at right angles to one another and sewed around the edges as shown on that website.




Then lined it all up using the 45 degree angle on my ruler and cut diagonally across the square.




I did the same along the other diagonal.




Then, pressed open all four squares.  I’ll now go away and do the same thing for all twenty squares and look forward to playing about with the eighty quilt blocks I’ll need to arrange in some kind of order.

I might be some time.


Small rant warning

I wasn’t prepared for this.  Both my hero and I are supportive of the move away from over use of plastic bags and have carried reusable bags for years.  The green bag which I carry in my handbag was my Mum’s and each time I use it, I can hear her voice.  For it’s the most mundane of her things which I use the most and which give me the most pleasure: her tea towels, her ironing basket and yes, her green, reusable shopping bag.




We went shopping this morning and no, I’m not going to have a go about the Christmas decorations which have appeared already.




In fact, they made us smile – after all, it’s not every day that Brussels Sprouts are to be seen dangling from the ceiling, is it?




We were actually there to buy a kettle.  Our old one has stopped turning itself off and having found the kitchen full of steam on a few occasions recently, we thought it was time for a replacement.  We made our choice and went to the tills.

“Would you like a bag for that?”

You see, all the publicity has been around supermarkets, where we go well prepared with our trolley bags and so on.  I’d not given “other” shopping a moment’s thought. 

Out came Mummy’s green bag and in went the kettle – though the large box meant the green bag was immediately full.  Never mind.  We were fine. Only afterwards did I think that John Lewis could have used some sticky tape or string to create a kind of handle on the box, removing the need for a bag at all.  I need to think on that one!




Next stop Boots.  Three for two on nail polish.

“Would you like a bag for those?”

They slipped into my handbag, no problem, so absolutely, no need.




Last stop, a mooch around Marks and Spencer, where I was looking to buy some black socks but spotted they’d got the new colours in their cashmere polo neck sweaters.  I spent a bit more than I’d bargained for - £79 each sweater and £6 each bundle of socks. 

“That’ll be £170 please.  And would you like a bag for them?”

Oh. Ermm…maybe….oh no, we can manage.  The car is only just through those doors…. I stuffed them into Mummy’s green bag on top of the kettle and felt sad that £170 worth of nice new cashmere was being treated so harshly.  No nice wrapping in tissue paper (biodegradable), no protection from the elements or other purchases – sharp, snaggy box corners, grubby warehouse packing and sticky labels. 

Clearly I wasn’t the first slightly bewildered customer of the day, for the sales assistant nodded and said that yes, it did seem crazy that people buying clothes were no longer being given a bag to protect their purchases.  That underwear wasn’t wrapped any more and that people had left the store with an armful of bras and knickers trailing…

As we drove home, I mulled over what I needed to put into my bag for future shopping trips.  Yes, I know I could have paid 5p for a plastic bag, but that would defeat the purpose somehow.  We are not supposed to buckle but to do our best to avoid their use.  But before I go shopping for “soft” things again, I must think on and put a few calico bags inside: soft ones, which will be suitable for wrapping clothes and corralling small purchases together.  Mummy’s green bag was no longer going to be enough.




When I arrived home, there were two parcels on the doorstep.  One, a plastic bag from Boden containing two shirts which I ordered ages ago and which had come into stock.  They were packed in the usual spotty bag, a great secure, lightweight and waterproof way of keeping them safe in the post.  But inside, each shirt was packed with tissue paper and placed in its own enormous plastic bag…




When we unpacked the kettle, it was inside two plastic bags, packed with cardboard spacers.   Our shopping still produced quite a large amount of recycling, then and though I still agree that the over use of plastic bags must be addressed, I can’t help but feel that somewhere along the line we’re missing the point. If we’re going to stop using plastic bags for wrapping and carrying shopping, then surely, we need to stop using them for packaging things too? 

In the meantime, I’m just going to raid my stash for some colourful cotton and get my overlocker working on some soft little bags to take shopping with me.  Who knows when I might want to buy underwear!?




The other box on the doorstep was the most glorious bunch of orchids, sent with love from Tra.  What a gorgeous splash of colour to bring a little of South East Asia to Gloucestershire!  What a great cure for the grumps!


If only I’d realised




I parked my car at the station yesterday morning and caught the train to London.  There were about half a dozen useable spaces left and some where adjacent cars had been left so close to the line that there wasn’t really enough room left for anything but a tiny vehicle.  There was no one about and I had plenty of time, so I shunted backwards and forwards in a parking space until I was happy that I’d not overstepped my mark before going over the bridge to the platform.




I was meeting my friends Nita and Paulene to see the exhibition of Ai Weiwei’s work at the Royal Academy and as we hung around outside under the “trees” in the yard outside, I found Joshua Reynolds’ gesture towards the exhibition banner amusing.  Just what would he have made of this, I wonder?




There were quite a few people in the gallery, though thankfully, not so many as to make viewing difficult.  We began at the beginning, of course, in gallery 1.




Once we’d read the explanation of the shaped surface of the wooden “bed” (it’s a map of China), it took on a greater significance and then, just as we were about to move on, my attention was drawn by Nita to the circular “frames” on the wall.




They too were an exhibit, each one different and each one representing a section of the map profile too. 

Concentrate, Gill!




Rather than offer a blow-by-blow walkthrough, I’ll simply record a few of my favourites, including these stools which were arranged in such a pleasing shape, creating – as Penny observed on my FB post – one of those arrangements art teachers create for their students.  I hadn’t realised that many of these installations are recreated in different, site-specific formats and only on googling when I arrived home, did I see an enlarged version of this work.




I really loved this tightly packed composition, reminiscent of the piece we enjoyed in Minneapolis this summer, though of course, it was entirely different.  This was a solid block of timber, created from waste pieces from other projects, framed within a pair of parallel bars from a factory gymnasium.  Once again, Ai Weiwei loads his work with political comment.




Not every stunning thing was part of the exhibition.  The gratings in the floor are so well worn and catch my eye every time I visit!




It’s always good to see people working in the gallery too.  There were a couple of large groups of highly focused students drawing and making close observations.  What a great opportunity!



I think I expected this piece to leave the greatest impression on me, for it was the one installation I’d heard the most about.  Sure enough, in the same way as the sunflower seeds had captivated us, it was the sheer quantity of steel bars here which struck me as I stepped into the room.




The bars were carefully arranged in layers, creating strata and fissures in the surface.  All around the gallery were lists of names, of the children killed by the earthquake which caused the shoddily-built school to collapse.  Another heartfelt statement, expressed with such impact.




Another large-scale piece which bears a closer look to appreciate the intent.




Around the corner in the next room was the crab house, created from the artist’s studio, compulsorily demolished and the heap of ceramic crabs in the corner representing the role of censorship – a play on the chinese words.




And there, up on the dado rail, the one “outcast” crab, the individual, set apart from the mass.




Other favourite pieces included this structure, created from substantial pieces of old timber in an arrangement said to be a map of China when seen from above.  Who knows?  It wasn’t possible to view it so and I’ve been unable to find an overhead photo of it, so we will simply have to take it on trust.




These two stools represent Taiwan, by the way.




I very much liked one of the “metre cubes”, the one which was like a Chinese puzzle with secret drawers and openings.




The room with the “statement” pieces of ancient pottery was interesting too.  There’s a discussion to be had on that topic alone, not to mention the room full of “vitrines” and the Sanctuary gallery.  I think the marble gallery was the least successful in my mind – though I “got it”, for me it was those pieces which had the least impact.




It was the magnificent chandelier which kept my camera busy for at least ten minutes.  Each time I stepped back and looked from a different angle, there was another pleasing arrangement, a different kaleidoscope pattern to see. 

Very clever and just so much to think about.  To consider and mull over.  A tremendous exhibition. And, having seen it for myself, especially interesting to read Helen’s impressions too.




Just as well we’d planned lunch, then! 

It was one of those lunches that could have continued into dinner.  Friends with much catching up to do as well as art to talk about.  Travel plans to discuss, ideas to share and simple pleasure to be had in each other’s company.




Of course we had time for dessert.

As I returned to my car later in the evening, I was sorry to find the car next to mine had parked so close that it was impossible for me to get in.  I stood around a while, hoping the driver was on the same train, but no joy.  What to do?  I couldn’t wait an hour for the next train – after all, they might not even be returning this evening. So I decided to get in through the passenger door and try to squeeze over the central tunnel into the drivers seat.  Most undignified, especially as in doing so I got stuck!  Thankfully, there was nobody left in the car park by then – just as well.  I managed to get myself out and tried again, putting both driver and passenger seats right back and finally made it, cricking my neck in the process.

When I thought about it, I’d noted how tightly packed the cars were this morning and the danger of not being able to get into a car had flitted through my brain.  But surely, anyone would consider that before leaving their car, wouldn’t they?

It seems not.

If only I’d realised when I parked my car, I’d have ensured that I parked driver’s door to driver’s door, making sure it’d be ok when I got back.  But there really is no guarantee that some thoughtless person won’t do that again, is there?  (I’ll worry next time, that’s for sure)

For now, I’m simply at home wearing one of those microwave neckwarmer things, looking a bit as though I’m aping the guy from Bo Selecta.  As long as it doesn’t impede the grey matter later when Avening WI will compete in the county quiz final, all will be well!


Mellow days




We are enjoying these lovely October days here and settling into the Autumn mood.




Spending time with friends, catching up and enjoying a lively conversation over a bottle (or more).




Enjoying time in the kitchen, dreaming up different ways of using an abundance of fruit from the garden and cooking my way through a long list of dishes for a weekend with friends at home.  The pleasure is as much in the fridge full of leftovers and deciding whether we should eat the rest of the cake or freeze it.  What do you think?




There’s a bit of thought-provoking discussion too, arising from the Literature Festival events we enjoyed not to mention the cards on the table Winking smile




I’ve particularly enjoyed being outdoors in the last few days and a bit of Autumn sunshine seems to have brought our small corner into glorious technicolour




and I still can’t resist picking up a conker when I find one (or two).




It’s the season to feel thankful, then, because Pete’s delivered a new supply of logs and my hero has done a fine job of stacking them.  Though we’ve not lit our stove yet, the nights are getting chilly and it surely won’t be long before we do.  After all, it’s Hull Fair week!

Hull Fair is held during the week nearest the 11th October each year and my childhood memories include wrapping up warm to go there.  Almost every year, the first week in October is mild enough for us to comment but then almost certainly, “Fair week” will turn cold and brisk.  Aaah, happy memories of fish and chips, Wrights brandy snaps and toffee apples!